Announcing Tricolor Group at ERX- the eRepublik Stock Exchange

Day 856, 12:15 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

This article is to inform all Indians that the eRepublik Stock Exchange is now live and Tricolor Group has listed its stock there at an initial price of 0.5gold per share.There are currently 2000 shares available.The company link is . Please make an account on the website and deposit your hard earned gold with ERX. It is easy, fast and safe. It is backed by the US government. I have already deposited 22 gold without any fear and the amount was credited to my ERX account within minutes. Please but Tricolor Shares. The more you buy, the more will the price rise and more the dividend i can pay.

Thanks for reading.


Anant Singhal
Partner and Manager,
Tricolor Group