Anniversary? All is Not Well Plato ! Part-1

Day 2,917, 02:02 Published in India Croatia by ANANTHAKRISHNAN

Oye Folks,
So I decided to write an article after a long time for serious affairs. The Last one was for BAY program and the IFMoB prize. The BAY is over as new governments have not continued it, and IFMoB, get ready for another IFMoB soon. The discussions have started. But, I would confess that it is this new Murugan Tournament that our President and Dictator are bringing that has made me to write this now, but I would say this is something I have been wanting to write on for a long time.

So, the news might have reached you all, if it has not I would tell you then: eRepublik is having its 8th anniversary on November 20th. So, thats like 5 days away and I am expecting some new mission or special offers to start from this Tuesday or in the next week. So, before going to the content, let me tell you: Save your Resources for the event. Anniversaries are always great.

eRepublik has been a great experience. Its been around 920 days since I started playing it with this account, and this would be the third Anniversary that I am being part of. The 6th anniversary brought with it 60% dmg increase for a week among other things. The 7th anniversary brought many discounts along with it too. The 8th would also bring many with it.

But this 2007 born game is not as fun as it was before. This is something that everyone agrees to now actually. Actually, its all the effect of 8 years of working, but I would like to discuss about things that have affected the game badly since the last anniversary; in the last one year alone.

So I would like to focus on few issues alone and since it would be a very long article, I would split it, one for a day.

So, I will start with this : Infantry Kit (and the other packs)

So, this New Infantry Kit has actually changed the game around a lot. The Richie Riches of the game has been buying these every month either for their 15 euros or for 90-100 thousand currency. So, what is making it actually that much worth? 25 gold,10 small bombs, 2 Big Bombs, 15 double EBs, Boosters would all together cost a maximum 10k cc, and perhaps I would pay another 10k for that Energy Center for a month. So, its obvious that the 1 BIG thing that is in that pack is the Experience Inhibitor. So, today we have few amazing fighters who deal billions in every division without caring of their experience bar. But, to the newbies who think that this game has always been about mass tanking, I would say, it was not!

There was a time when all of us trained and fought with strategy, only doing what was needed, making sure we do not level up, trying to win BHs and rounds staying in the same division, trying to perfect our Guerilla Fight strategies to get maximum damage with minimum xp. This was also the very reason why many trained hard for years and did not fight, so you come out as a Monster who has a lot of his lifetime left to enjoy ! That was the Strategy! That was the Strategy of this Strategy Game! But today, Plato has killed it !

Today I doubt: Why do we need four Divisions? The time when D4 was for Tankers, D3 for those who know to hit well, D2 for those with experience in GF and Rockets and D1 for the ones with the Boosters and Rockets was amazing. Hey, there was a time when 1 million in D1 was called a myth and 600k was enough for a BH in D2.
Its true that time is over for a long time 😛 but then too, it was not so bad, till ofcourse: The Kit came ! Division one, Division two, Division three, Division 4, whats the difference? Billions of damage flow everywhere!

That has killed strategy ! Plato might be earning a lot from the many purchases each month, but the game will die in the long run ! A newbie who comes in tries to fight and win a medal and sees that he has to move to division 2 if he has to do a BH worth of dmg, while the already rich ones just have to hit few to do that and can still stay in the same division.

Before the kit, there was this "Cycle" : A newbie comes in and he is instructed to train for 6~7 months and not fight by a strong friend. The Strong friend in the mean time gets a lot of BHs, and when the newbie becomes strong at the end of the 7 month period, he enters the BH fighting lot. But by this time, The other has moved to the next division and thus this cycle continues. (Dont ask me what about D4 Crowding: D4 is meant for tankers, you cant expect to win tons of BH there) But now,even if the newbie trains for a year expecting to the rule the stage at the en😛 NO EFFECT, the strong ones have only gotten more strength and Rank Points, They have not added any experience points to them ! The Newbie wont waste his time on the game again !

Now for the ones who were in their Training periods, This is a massive blow! you thought you could be great? NO says Plato: The Strong ones will be here forever now, and they would just buy one of these shits :

Add a Kit with a Blitzkrieg, You get billions of damage ! The Balance has Been Destroyed !

So, now I expect the usual comment: "Its Plato's Game, one's who pay him gets more! My Money My Rules !"

Yeah whatever, its his game, and ones who pay must get extras. But isn't this too much? Do you really think the rich alone can play this game? On the long run, would it be fun for you to just fight among a hundred of you ? Or to contest an election between you (yeah, that was a joke, elections are joke here, next article is on that) ? eRepublik Community is dying thanks to Plato's obsession with money.

The Newbies need to be made to stay! Community, Entertainment and Social Activities should be used to keep them here the Moderators say. REALLY?? Community is for the ones who spend their Euros, they be dictators, they take decisions, they make, win and lose wars! Watching a handful of people winning every BH with billions of dmg or getting every position is not Entertainment ! Being in a Single man governed country with no real "Government" does not amount to Social Activity !

It is vital that atleast at this anniversary that we delete some features. Not all features are required! But, I don't expect Plato to listen to this anyway, I don't Buy Gold < Reason is simple as that.

So what do you do? Well nothing can be done, the only thing the "Players" of this game (as opposed to the Buyers) can do is write such articles and hope someone atleast reads these.

It is an irony that what I am gonna get if I win the tournament too is a Kit. Would I take it? I would, I say this loud. If you can't change the play, then just play along. But If Plato tells : "I would take away this feature if People stop using them" or some kind of a petition, I would Stop using it then and there as it kills this game: A game that we are all so addicted to.

We are all addicted to this game and Plato is making use of it. Infantry Kit, Blitzkrieg Pack Must be Abolished !

Let the Buyers buy Gold instead, and use it to buy the Energy Bars and Fight or the old Combat Stash or War Stash were not bad either. But don't bring features that shall destroy the basis, the strategy of the game.

Long article, Bad Grammar, Not very "professional" ? I know, I am always learning 🙂

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* Everything is from my personal point of view.
* Not intended to hurt anyone.
Signing Out,

The Next part will be on Dictator module