Angel Abyss for Congress.

Day 673, 14:58 Published in Bolivia Ireland by Anthony Colby

Hello all,

I am Angel Abyss and i will Run for Congress in Pando region.

Main purpose for my candidature is to help founding Red cross eBolivia organization;

By mine opinion it is necessary to have one such organization to act as guide and help new players and players in need.

On the other hand I plan to promote the idea and speed up process of acquiring first Q5 hospital in eBolivia.
Calculation is simple; better hospital = more fighting = more xp and stronger army = faster lv up and gold bonuses = more investment in eBolivia economy = better living standard…

I don’t have a lot of political experience but I have a lot in the economy. So I hope that my engagement in congress will be notice by my efforts to make eBolivia better and more prosperous in future.