And It Keeps on Rising, and Rising, and Rising, and....

Day 728, 12:15 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

The upward trend of the eCanadian Dollar is mirroring it's RL counterpart, and it's just as worrying for us eCanadians.">

About three weeks ago, the eCAD was trading at about .029 gold/CAD (1 Gold = 34.82 CAD). As I write this article, you will be hard pressed to find an offer that will give you .033 gold/CAD... the majority of offers are now at .034 gold/CAD (1 Gold = 29.41 CAD). That's 5 basis points in 3 weeks!!

What does this mean?

1. For the eCanadian who generally deals in CAD, that means your Loonie will now purchase you more goods.... in FOREIGN MARKETS.

2. If you generally do your buying in GOLD, it means that products here in eCanada are MORE EXPENSIVE.

3. If you own a business here in Canada, it means you probably will have fewer customers come through your doors, because they have likely added "cross-border shopping in the US" to their to-do lists. In addition, because the CAD now buys more in foreign markets, it makes it more attractive for FOREIGN companies to set up shop here in eCanada and take our eLoonie home with them, where a CAD can buy more than their own local currency can!

I am a staunch supporter of a weaker eCanadian dollar, somewhere between .025 and .030 Gold/CAD. If you've read my Re-election Platform, you'll know that I am a strong supporter of supporting the eCanadian economy. Thus, with no weakening of the dollar in sight, it would be unwise of me to keep all my funds in Gold, and have invested all my money in CAD. Heck, I might even make a little money by doing so!

So if you find this trend as worrisome as I do, I encourage you to make your views known. Our Parliament seems to be dithering over this issue, listening to contradictory opinions on what to do! You know where I stand.

You can find out who your member of Parliament is for your region by clicking here. Do not keep your voice to yourself. Make it known!