Am I an Ostrich building a Sandcastle?

Day 1,572, 22:44 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

About a week ago, I began to write an article on the situation in eCanada from my perspective:

What I am writing is probably nothing new – others have likely written it, and likely written it better than I. But Rolo has finally won his pardon.

What is eCanada to make of this? Like many in eCanada, I am weary of the drama that Rolo has created over the last 18 months or so. I’m tired of the bickering, the arrogance, the stubbornness. I’m weary of the tension in our country.

In this online game, we form a community, in which one would think we are working together to achieve common goals, that we have common purposes.

When one person, or a small group decide to purposefully come to loggerheads with those common aims, it would not be unreasonable to consider them outside of that community. Without going into the specific actions which Rolo has taken, it is clear to me that he has purposefully set himself outside and against our community. This is not something which happened TO him, but something he chose for himself.

And then through roughly 18 months or so of repeated agitation, he tried to get the community to bow to his demands.

This is as far as I got, because I was, as I mentioned above, wearied of the whole Rolo situation. I still am.

But I pick up my pen again, because three significant things have occurred. One, Rolo was pardoned. Two, many prominent authors, politicians and military men - cutting right across our spectrum - have gone into willing exile. And three, some of our very own have taken up the sword against us – their own brethren.

All of this grieves me. And yet, I can sympathize (thought not necessarily agree) with all of those who have chosen these paths, because I too understand their frustration and pain.

I suspect those who are in the Pardon Camp are there for similar motives and desires which I have: an attempt to put this behind us, to bring him back onside, to end this hated tension. I want this too! But it won’t work, because the perpetrator doesn’t see himself in such a light. At the end of the day, there is nothing you or I or we as a community can do to excise ourselves of this blight. He must change, or leave, at his own pleasure. A difficult, hard truth. But one I am reconciled to.

Those who have gone into peaceful exile, I also sympathize with. Like a child building a sand castle at the beach, but a bit too close to the water, watches repeatedly as the waves come up and destroys his efforts, only to try again. And again. And then to finally realize that building it further inland is perhaps the smarter option. I empathize completely. Weariness. eCanadians who are so grieved at the situation, but can no longer build so close to the water, and have chosen to build somewhere else.

And then there are those who are a bit more radical. I suspect they view eCanada as a dog so thoroughly riddled with cancer that there is no choice but to put it out of its misery, go back to the humane society and pick out another pet. That the first one has to go, before the next one can come. They are still eCanadians at heart – but the problem is so drastic that nothing short of this attempt at mercy is called for. I cannot agree with this assessment.

So what then? That is exactly what our honourable CP is asking us. What to do? What concrete solution is there?

I have chosen to stay here… and to continue to build. Perhaps I am like an ostrich with its head stuck in the sand. Perhaps I am ignoring all the signs and warnings, and continuing on like nothing is wrong, and in the hope that if I refuse to recognize these signs, everything will become right again. Because it seems like there is nothing I or anyone else can do directly, to cleanse eCanada of its cancer.

So, I will continue to do my part to build the eCanadian sandcastle. And rebuild it. And rebuild it again, in the hope that one day the waves will deposit enough silt that the waves themselves will no longer be able to reach our castle.

Oh that eCanada would be so elegant and majestic!

Those who have chosen other paths – I understand that ultimately your goal is the same as mine. A strong eCanada. I speak particularly to those who have gone into exile and taken up the sword against us, the Ralph Klines and Fritzhills, who believe such a radical solution is needed. I disagree with your method – vehemently. To you, in fighting for eCanada I must now find myself fighting against you – another grief piled upon already high grief – I will grant you honourable, yet tragically misguided, motives.


A weary and exhausted [but hopeful] eCanadian.