All Nigeria Peoples Party - Constitution and Cabinet

Day 2,526, 11:57 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Juve Leo

Clause one - Name

1. The party shall be formally known as ‘All Nigeria Peoples Party’.
1.1. The party abbreviation shall be ‘ANPP’
2. The party name must be used only for official documentation and may not be used as endorsement for other people or organisations without the consent of the party majority and leadership.
3. Changing of the party name ‘All Nigeria Peoples Party’ must be submitted to the members of the party through a vote.
3.1. At least 40% of the party must vote to declare a result.
3.1.1. To declare a win for changing the name; the vote must be 51% or more in favour.
3.1.2. To declare a lose for changing the name; the vote must be 49% or less in favour.
3.1.3. If a tie of 50/50 occurs, another vote is to be organised and argument for and against published in the party forum and the party newspaper.

Clause two – Aims and values

1. The All Nigeria Peoples Party is a democratic party. The party believes in support for the average citizen who wants to progress through the levels. The party supports fair pay to workers, good income to business owners and open access to politics.
2. To meet these aims we must:
2.1. Have an economy that supports the Nigerian business owner, though allows them to import goods at a fair rate.
2.2. Have a jobs market that offers fair pay to all workers and supports them in improving their production and wellness.
2.3. Have a political system that is for majority, not the few. Have openness that allows anyone to take part.
2.3.1. A system that uses apprenticeships to help members get on the political ladder.
2.3.2. Progress the members of long service to more developed roles and retire those of age.
2.3.3. Continue to push for renewal of political reform across Nigeria.
3. The Party is open to all members who can join political parties.
3.1. No member shall be discriminated on any grounds and shall have the support of the party and its leadership.
3.1.1. See Clause three for more details.

Clause three – Membership

1. All citizens of Nigeria are allowed to join All Nigeria Peoples Party.
2. No citizen shall be required to pay or do favours to be allowed to join or progress through the party.
3. Any member that joins All Nigeria Peoples Party must support the aims and values of the party.
3.1. If new values and aims are submitted as a reform of the party constitution, the members must continue to uphold the old aims and values until the new ones are formally applied to the party.
4. All members are allowed to apply for party cabinet roles. For more information see clauses four and five.

Clause four - Party President

1. The Party President upon winning the party election must post a cabinet application on the forum as soon as possible after winning the election.
1.1. Party Cabinet positions must be open to all.
1.2. There can be no previous deals for cabinet positions made.
1.2.1. Failure to comply with this rule could result in a vote of no confidence.
1.3. The Party President must submit their official party cabinet within 3 days of winning the position.
1.4. It is the Party Presidents duty to ensure all cabinet members are following the rules as stated in the Party Cabinet section.
1.4.1. If a member of the cabinet fails to comply with the rules they are to be removed from their position.
1.4.2. Reasons for any removal must be made clear by the Party President to the cabinet and the party membership as a whole.
2. The Party President can choose not to appoint a Vice Party President, but must instead allocate another member of the cabinet who will take responsibility of the party if the Party President is not able to fore fill their duties at a certain time.
3. The Party President must promote the values of the party and commit to expanding the party base. If the party concludes the Party President is not for filling their duties, they can request a vote of no confidence.
3.1. If a vote of no confidence is submitted, the Party President must make themselves available for any question and answer session requested by the members.
3.2. The Party President is not allowed to offer payments for votes during the vote of no confidence. If found to have done so, they will be asked to stand down as Party President.
3.3. A vote of no confidence must be posted on the forum in the form of a poll. The party members must vote and then simply write voted in the thread.
3.3.1. The vote will only be open for 24 hours. After the deadline is met, no more votes will be allowed and the final poll will be submitted. If the vote concludes that the vote of no confidence is a minority, the Party President continues in their position. If the vote concludes that the vote of no confidence is a majority, the Party President must accept the results and step down from their position.

Clause five – Party cabinet

1. Cabinet members can only hold one position within the party cabinet.
1.1. This rule can be nullified if the party size is too small.
2. Cabinet members are to promote the party and its values to the Nigerian citizens wherever possible. Their duty is to the party members and not special interests.
3. Cabinet members must make sure they attend all meetings and if not possible inform the Party President.
3.1. This rule can be nullified for special circumstances. This will be at the Party President discretion.
4. Cabinet members can receive a salary to work for the party.

Clause six – Election

1. Elections in regards to Congress and PM, there should a thread made on the party forum to allow those who want to put themselves forward the chance to voice their views.
1.1. Once all members that have shown interest have submitted their statements the Party President can either choose a selection of candidates to submit for party voting or can put them all forward for party voting.
1.2. Party President will allow for 4 candidates to be put up for party vote. The final poll results will show the top two candidates who will then be put forward to the party for the final time. The candidate with the majority vote will be submitted.
1.3. Party vote will have all candidates being voted in a two stage system. The first round will have all candidates with the top 4 going through to the second round. The top 4 candidates will then submit their statements and then have a second party vote. The candidate with the majority vote will be submitted.
1.4. There is no timeline for when this must take place. It is the Party Presidents duty to ensure all candidates are put forward with enough time to campaign.
2. During the Party President election, the incumbent Party President must allow the other candidates to express their views either through the forum or if so the Party Newspaper.
2.1. The incumbent Party President must not use Party funds to promote them self during this period.
2.2. Upon the Party President Election result, the Vice Party President (If applicable) must offer the Party President their resignation, so as to allow them to either choose a new member or re-instate them for another term.
3. During no party vote or official vote will any of the candidates be allowed to use incentives such as money or political positions to win vote. Members that this will have their candidacy removed from the voting process.

All members can hold one position within the party cabinet.

This rule can be nullified if the party size is too small.

Cabinet members are to promote the party and its values to the Nigerian citizens wherever possible. Their duty is to the party members and not special interests.

Cabinet members must make sure they attend all meetings and if not possible inform the Party President.

This rule can be nullified for special circumstances. This will be at the Party President discretion.

Cabinet members can receive a salary to work for the party.

Do you want to be member of our cabinet?


President of All Nigeria Peoples Party from 15 October 2014
vice Ministry of Interior in Nigeria Government from 5 October 2014 till 20 Ocober 2014
Congressman in Nigeria from 25 September 2014
Spokensman in Nigerian Democratic Party from 15 September 2014 to 14 October 2014

Born 3 de Janeiro de 2011

Comandante das Forças Armadas do SPORTING

37 vezes Hard Worker

14 vezes Congressista

CP de Portugal de 5 de Fev de 2013 a 5 de Mar de 2013

vMOD do Governo Alvaro Cunhal de 16 de Nov de 2012 a 5 de Dez 2012

CP de Portugal de 28 de Jan de 2012 a 5 de Fev de 2012

Estagiario do MOD (ver artigo [MoD] Fecho do Mandato - Junho 2014 ) liderada pelo Juhannus Petrus