
Day 2,538, 11:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


Probably all of YOU gents&ladies of eUK saw today what happend.It were happened that I am going for CP."The Presedent of UKPP has decided to support you for the next Country Presidential elections".That were very pleasent surprise,and after that,comes the next even greater surprise:
"The Presedent of The Unity Party has decided to support you as the next Country Presedent".
Well first of all want to thank this two Parties whose has been decided to support me for the CP race.Everyone in eUK knows my past,my daily activness which wont stop if I"ve win on the upcomeing elections.So let"s get starte😛
As CP I"ll defend and be the protector of eUK interests,whereever it will need.Recently eUK succssefully finished war campaigns against eCanada whose ignorant behaviour on the issue of proposed peace and NO NE on eUK and a week ago they launch NE on eUK to get teritories which belongs to us.eCanada attacked eUK and shortly they gain 3-4 teritories.After eUK Congress put on voteing proposal of law of NE on eCanada,started RW and very soon less than a week eUK get back teritories in her hands.
If I"ve win on the CP elections every my decisions will be consider with outmost intentions and will be wised made.I wont rush with bringing decisions instantly without consultations of my cabinet and ofcourse with eUK Congress.I"ll be night and day active and be with my eUKers,cose I am one of yours.
I am more in favour of in game PM"s than on forums,but that doesn"t mean that I wont be there to help and listen advices and participate in disscusions,as I will be daily on IRC chanells,like #MoD #MoFA and #euk.Communications must be constant,cose without communication there aren"t activity.Activness from my side as Country Presedent should and will be bigger and larger,as I am expected from each and every Minister and Ministeries to be active as long as it takes.
Foreign policy towards our allies and in our Alliance woouldn"t be changed.Ministery of Foreign Affairs will do as allways job properly and I"ve hope that wont be any problems.eUK will continue to develop good relationships with allied countrius in SIRIUS alliance as well as with those countries who are more closer and supporting our alliance.
MoD team will provide updates of every event which rewuires intention of entire eUK,that means setting DO"s and daily realising articles on current battles whic will happened in the near future.I am sure that MoD will do as well properly job.
Concerning other Ministeries: MoHA,MoEd and MoF,well I am sure that each and every minister will give his best to do job as good as possible.MoHA will countinue with informing public on upcomeing events and maintain regular updates and cover all things which will happened in the near future.
MoF-Ministery of Finance will countinue with update of eUK finances,incomes and expencies,and I am expecting from them activness and daily reports of finances and I am sure they will do they best and will do the good job.

This is the first introductionary article and it wont be the last.In upcomeing days till the beginning of CP elections I"ll release one article daily.

Stay tuned for more articles and updates

Aleksandar-Alex Popovic