Advertising [half-price]

Day 1,035, 11:34 Published in Hungary Serbia by 0riana

If you are interested in this, please send private message here.

Send us content of commercial (title of add, text of the add, image that you want, link and if there are, some other specifications) and donate gold to the same org.

We will start commercial with content that you gave us, and budget for your add will be 2 times bigger that the amount of gold that you donated to the org.

btw, when I'm here

I have a little request for you, do some sub-ing, its only few minutes:

Steven Mack...............sh0x ...............Vica1...............aiv bis
KAST97...............Ojan...............PTJ 001...............zarns

Citizenturk ...............LunaL...............Nemke_BG ...............Ina Cognito

bobinhoooo ...............Boris Arnautovic ...............komir95...............Marko Spasic
DrNeoCortex...............DARK_DRAGON_93...............PibtullBalkan...............Uros Zekic
damir033...............Aty87...............Voja Simic...............CHLO