A Tear, a Salute, and the CPF's First Real Race.

Day 810, 23:19 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

The end of an Era. The only elected leader the Canadian Progressive Front has ever known is calling it a day.

There was an emotional tug at my heart today, when I read Tyler F Durden's announcement today that he will not seek re-election on the 15th. The only elected leader the CPF has ever known, he has led the party from relative obscurity and the laughing stock of many, to respectability and a long list of accomplishments: Four out of the five congressional elections which he oversaw, the CPF won a plurality of seats. He unified and kept in check the ambitions of individuals which had the potential of wrecking any party. He worked and earned the trust and loyalty of most if not all members of the CPF. With his ingenutiy, he created the largest conglomerate of companies any Canadian political party could boast. He also led the CPF to become the first party with a private militia.

Before the CPF was created in August of 2009, he spearheaded a large movement to evacuate citizens from occupied Canadian lands and ensure they didn't disappear into obscurity once the new citizenship module came into effect. As a result of his efforts, he was awarded the Campanion of the Order of Canada by President Jacobi.

Tyler has worked tirelessly as our leader. He always put the party and country above his own ambitions. I remember one congressional election in which he and I worked closely together. There was a particular CPF rookie candidate he wanted to see elected, and it wasn't looking good. Neither was his race in PEI. But he instructed us to make sure that this rookie candidate was elected before we were allowed to insure our leader was also elected. He was willing to sacrifice his seat for that of another in whom he saw had great potential. Thankfully, the rookie candidate had enough votes that we could take the focus off of him, and turn to our leader. Both were elected!

He also sacrificed a chance he had to run for President of Canada this winter. In our discussions with the Democratic Action League to support each others' candidates, Tyler Durden had to forsake his desire to run for President in January so that such a deal could be struck. Running in February was just not an option for him personally because of Real Life commitments, and so to ensure that this deal could be made, he agreed to withdraw his name from consideration as a joint candidate for the DAL-CPF alliance. However, his vision of leading the CPF to elect a CPF member to the nation's highest office did not also die, but was fulfilled just a few short days ago with the electoral win of JBdivinus. Congratulations, my friend!

Perhaps the greatest thing he has accomplished was earning our respect and our loyalty. The publicity he brought us through his frequent articles - some of which highlighted the party, others which helped build up Canada with information and links - the way he fought to set the record straight when there was misinformation about the CPF being flung about the media - Tyler demonstrated true leadership. He also demostrated great traits when it came to internal issues as well.

When we acted in ways which tarnished the party or impeded its goals, he was able to step in and discipline if necessary, but always in a way which earned him more respect from those whom he had to confront. I saw several examples of this. Often, there were HOURS long discussions on IRC. But he was usually successful in ensuring that these individuals did not leave the party - he in fact strengthened their commitment to, and activity within, the party. Tyler F Durden earned my respect. He earned my loyalty. Countless testimonies could be printed here.

But all good things must come to an end. Tyler's unfathomable 5 month ride at the helm of the party will come to a close in just 8 days. It many ways, for many of us in the CPF, it will be like a mother bird pushing her young out of the nest to force them to fly. He has led us in our infancy. Now he's forcing us flap our wings and fend for ourselves. He's the only Party President I have known.

There is also the emotional void - and I DO NOT speak flippantly here. Tyler was like a father to many of us - well, at least to me. Although I am older than Tyler in real life age, he was the one who encouraged me to run the first time in congressional elections. Saskatchewan had just been taken back from Hungary and we needed someone to run. He approached me, although I had not planned to run for the first time until the next month (I was only about 40 eRep days old at this point). He asked me to join the party's Privy Council when it was the last thing I was looking for, but it's been something I have thoroughly enjoyed.

Tyler, thank-you for investing in me, and in other members of the party. Thank you for your time and passion, your dedication and your commitment. Your vision and your leadership have been wildly successful, perhaps beyound even your own dreams!

We salute you Tyler F Durden.

Now, to the next eGeneration of the CPF:

Who is going to fill those large, empty shoes Tyler has left us?
Who among us, is going to put the party, and the country, beyond his or her own ambitions and egos?
Let's make Canada stonger and let's ensure that CPF is at the forefront of those strengthening our great nation!
Throw your hat into the ring, and may the best individual win!
The race is on!