A Stronger America

Day 1,428, 17:17 Published in USA Ireland by Lexone

What makes America Strong?
Some of you will say our military, our allies, or just because were Americans.

What makes us strong is not us, but you. The individual.

You the individual fight for America, work in America, trade in America. Yet the government does nothing for you. Workers of America, you pay 15% of what you earn everyday to the government. Why? Why should 15% of your pay go to someone else? For a stronger military would be the common answer. Well guess what you can see the campaign of the day, you can read dod orders, you can click the fight button, and you are an American!

Private Military Units of America. e-us military, Anonymous,aed, us defense, Revolutionary Army, Libertarian Militia, and others. You don't get anything from the government either. Yet you still fight.

The others who are not part of anything. No your not doing it wrong. If our not in a military unit, then you are doing it just fine. You do not have to join anything if you do not want to.

Liberty America. You have your liberty, and you keep your liberty.

All I ask is a increase of funding to the working,efficient, and great program, Meals on Wheels. It is a program where people who wish to fight may request food to fight. Pretty simple concept. Yet it receives less than 2% of our monthly revenue.

What would happen if we tap into our full potential? If every US citizen had the opportunity to get food, and in return fight. Rank yourself up, get you energy bar, and fight more. Look at our average citizen level. It is a joke. Our current system makes the select stronger, while leaving out the rest.
This must stop,but I'm not stupid. I know the establishment will never let that happen. There must be balance

A balance of our budget. Instead of having 5% of our population getting 50% of our revenue, a transferring of funding. Not a lot, but something. What else can we do?
Tax hikes, and tax cuts. Hikes to raise revenue, cuts to increase profit of individuals.

New Conservative Party we are tired of the current conservative.