A Short Message to the IRF and eIreland

Day 3,068, 23:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cat Boyd

Published 23:45 on Day 3,068

My dear revolutionary comrades in the IRF and others,

It has been an eventful past few weeks in our country and it already seems we are on our way to greater heights! Activity has been improving, new writers are publishing articles, the Irish Army seems to have already improved greatly, and we have had a transparent government put in power. I look forward to seeing the progress continue and thank you all for participating.

I write today with what may seem to be bad news; I will be taking a month long break from eRepublik. From this Saturday till May 13th I will be relatively inactive. I am going on a trip over to the United Kingdom for my university studies. As much as I am sad that I won't be active when all this exciting stuff is happening, I am even more excited about this opportunity to travel abroad.

It is my hope that my comrades in the Irish Revolutionary Front will continue pushing the Revolution forward as I also hope my fellow eIrish will too. I may log on a couple times, but do not expect me to be active and writing articles.

I am proud of how far eIreland has come and look forward to seeing all the progress that has been made while I've been gone. Remember, the Revolution must continue! Do not settle for what we have already achieved, seek to achieve even more, because the only way to guarantee long-term change in eIreland is to seek truly radical change. I will be back soon, I will be available until Saturday for any questions or messages, I wish you all good luck and have a lot of fun while I'm gone.

Hail the eIrish Revolution!
Glóir don réabhlóid na hÉireann !!

The Irish Revolutionary Front demands another kind of politics, the politics of revolutionary social change. You can become a patriot too! Click on the link to join The Irish Revolutionary Front! Join the e-REVOLUTION!

Comrade Cat