A Rising Star?

Day 753, 11:30 Published in USA Serbia by FirstLaw


No doubt you are confused about our recent declaration of war and failed invasion of Japan. It was a diplomatic blunder that we may have a long time recovering from.

While the government attempts to wipe the yolk off it's face, it may be worth discussing some recent history:

During World War III, member nations of the PEACE alliance invaded Canada and the United States (often refered to as The North American Invasion). Canada was completely conquered while the United States was beaten down to the state of Florida with the rest of the country under PEACE occupation.

Through diplomacy and shear grit, the US was able to expell the PEACE occupiers and help liberate Canada. The US was made whole again and emerged as a stronger nation while the PEACE alliance crumbled to reemerge as PHOENIX.

Unfortunately, this strength went to a lot of people's heads and that included our elected officials. It was time to retaliate, but the US government picked the worst possible target: JAPAN! Japan's only crime during the North American Invasion was allowing Indonesia access to its territory as a staging ground to strike at the US. It could be argued that Japan was coerced into complying with Indonesia's demands. It certainly doesn't entitle a war declaration from us. Russia invaded the US also. So did France. Portugal as well. They would have been much better choices.

But by far the best choice would have been the United Kingdom. The UK is guilty of the same crime that Japan is being accused of. The UK has actually invaded us and media outlets were chomping at the bit to give the UK a serious beatdown for over a week. The decision to invade Japan instead, while giving up territory to the UK, effectively divided the country.

Why? Oh, the US government had it's reasons. They just don't make any sense. It was something about helping to liberate territory for our allies in Asia. Unfortunately, we'd have to fight through hostile territory to get do that. The UK is right across the pond. And attacking the UK wouldn't have created the political fall-out that we are now enduring. Nobody, friend or foe, would have blamed us for attacking the UK. And I'm sure we could've used whatever gains we had in that conflict as diplomatic leverage for the sake of our allies.

I Wonder why our leaders couldn't have thought of that?????