A nub's congressional promises

Day 2,100, 13:54 Published in Canada Spain by Folphjorg

Hello eCanada,

You probably don't know that I'm running for congress again. Some may be skeptical, "no experience" some may say. But I ask you this, how would one be experienced if no one gave them the opportunity? Well eCanada, this is the opportunity to put a young gun like me in the office. I've got ambition, I want another opportunity to help dig us out of the hole that we've gotten ourselves into. Klop did a wonderful job of getting a deal with Spain, I want to help us with damage control and get eCanada back to it's feet. So a few things I want to do in congress if you vote for me.

1. Work tax to 3%. A nice low number that will allow for managers to work and not fear such high taxes while the government can still collect some pocket cash for MPP's.

2. Incorporate new ideas from both myself AND the MDP. eCanada needs some strong militaristic ties and idea's to prevent another wipe.

3. Incorporate the fridge program. The program where I put a nice fridge into the office so we can sustain ourselves with some nice, ice cold beer. Preferably MDP approved Molson canadian or Whisky 😃

So I reach out to my fellow eCanadians, a vote for Hazmat is a vote for a new opportunity!