A nation of hired guns

Day 1,737, 05:12 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

The international scene is in turmoil, but you don’t notice much of that when you’re in eBelgium. The streets are calm as you witness people armed and ready walking out of their homes travelling to the next battlefield. Not because they’re looking to defend a specific cause aside from their own ofcourse. The cause ? A quest for that next medal to pin on their chest, not a medal to be proud of, a medal that gives shiny gold !

eBelgians are a proud people and yet it seems many have no honor. They fight without reason, without heart, “Plato asks to kill so I kill” one said when questioned about his motivations. They don’t care about “others” as citizens are lead to believe their killing sprees don’t matter. Under a veil of neutrality a band of mercenaries has taken over this country a long time ago. These hired guns seem to be interested in just one thing. Take a nation’s pride hostage to fill their pockets as deep as possible.

There are causes in this world, some can not stand to watch the tiny being oppressed by the big, others are interested in the gains the big may offer. And ofcourse, you will see some eBelgians adhere to these causes. Selflessness and greed do both exist over here. This observer has watched a predominance of greed and it’s time to put an end to that. Make sure that your cause is just, this eWorld is not a peaceful and quiet place when you stick your head out.

Rise up eBelgians with a cause, defend it with fire, shout out what you’re fighting for ! Let the world know who you’re defending. Let the government know where you want our soldiers to fight !