A Deep Seated Issue

Day 529, 17:38 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

The most recent successful invasion of the British Isles is the pivotal battle of Hastings in 1066; lead by a Frenchmen, the Duke of Normandy William the Conqueror. William was officially subject to the king of France, but after becoming ruler of England he chose to ignore his alleged king. Since then, the French and English have been in constant conflict with each other. During WWI (not the Erep one) when Germany began forming alliances, the French and English had little choice but to work together, so they reconciled and have since become somewhat friendly to each other. However, French and British colonists who ventured to North America before the war experienced no such change of heart, which has caused that tension between French and English you all know so well to exist today.

During WWII (once again the RL one lol) French-Canadians were clearly a minority group who felt that their rights were being threatened. It was then that the Separatist movement was born. The governments response to the threat of Quebec leaving the country was for the first time ever, to comply to the needs of minority groups, not just the French but all others. Thus in response to Quebec nationalism, Canadian multiculturalism was born, and is one of the main reasons I am proud to be Canadian.

Now, as to how this all relates to eCanada. The tension that plagues Anglo-French relations has been undoubtedly carried over into our virtual world, and has caused similar issues. I ask that all eCanadians follow the real Canada’s efforts to becoming more tolerant of other cultures (except Hungarians of course 😛 ) and I would like to commend the current government for finally adding a French section to the forums, and also the CSD who will be pushing to add a minister of Francophone culture and relations to the cabinet. If we continue down this road I am certain that we can one day see a happy and united eCanada.

Over the past few days I’ve been harassing eCanada’s Commanders for information about their respective unit’s in order to make this one stop article that provides a brief overview of eCanada’s MU’s. That being said, if there are any errors, or changes made to MU’s, please send me a PM or leave a comment and I’ll update the article ASAP.

For those of you who aren’t in a military unit I highly encourage you to join one. Not only does it allow you to fight more efficiently, but it can increase your damage output by completing the order of the day and receiving the supplies each MU offers.

The Canadian Armed Forces

The CAF is recognized as eCanada’s national army and receives their battle orders from the Canadian President, or Minister of Defense. These orders are sent to members either through a mass forum PM (at ecanada.cc ) or on IRC in #eCanCAF . Supplies can be requested on IRC or by posting in a designated area on the forums.

Supply requests can be made once a day, and is 200CAD to buy supplies of the market. CAF members also have the option of working in a “slave pit” (job with no wage) to receive 12 Q5 weapons a day instead of 200CAD.

eCanadians can officially apply to join the CAF [url=http://tinyurl.com/4yq6olr

Canadian Strategic Defense

The Canadian Strategic Defense is The Canadian Paradox Party’s military unit. Anybody is free to join the group but only members of the CPP receive supplies. The CSD has no format for sending out supplies, however members can request supplies by sending either CFovetS or Ralph Kline a friendly PM. There is usually a quick response and it’s well worth the wait as members requesting supply get 100 tanks.

To sign up you simply have to join the military unit here, and then to be eligible for supplies join the CPP here.

Crimson Canucks

The Crimson Canucks is one of the oldest militaries in eCanada, and the first Canadian army to use the “slave pit” technique that most MU’s use today. When eCanada isn’t under any imminent threat CC will fight for eCanada’s allies, however their number 1 priority is the defense of Canada. Battle orders are posted in the in-game military unit, but orders can also be found by using their IRC channel #crimson@rizon.net . Members are required to work in a designated company, wear the “cog” emblem in their avatar, as well as answer role calls and post their battle stats on their forum. Members and unknown number of tanks 3 days a week.

One can apply to join the Crimson Canucks [=http://bruckscanucks.forumotion.ca/t6716-enlist-here-welcome-to-tco]here[/url]

Captains of Industry