A Company of Heroes

Day 2,267, 05:11 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Greetings Canadians and Allies o/

I am announcing the re-opening of my Military Unit, after it's closure 5 months ago. CuppyCakeYums sat in it while I sorted out my own selfish needs and now I return to rebuild the community once more.

Why did you disband it initially?
Simple, I had been a commander of an MU for most of my eLife, I wanted time to train up my strength, hit some damage and experience a different mode of play, however although I have hit nearly 4 billion damage for Canada in that 5 months I abandoned my post as commander, I have felt bored with the game and I have nearly quit a few times now but keep remembering I have spent too much money to quit (oh the pain). Hence I am returning to my routes, I loved commanding an MU and I look forward to serving Canada and it's citizens once again and dump politics down the drain.

What do you plan on doing with the MU now you have revived it?
A name change was the first thing I did, I have renamed it a few times in the past, started with Liberty CA, then Shadow Fox and finally Royal Canadian Medical Corps. I want to create a World War II theme this time and stick with it, I am personally a big fan of WWII history, I read a lot and watch a lot about it. Band of Brothers is my all time favorite TV series (if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it) and the PC game 'Company of Heroes' is simply the best thing ever.

I would like to rebuild the MU into what it was around the Shadow Fox era, I would like to ask all ex-members to consider rejoining, I understand if you are happy in your new homes, especially Cordis Die members as your supply is top notch.


Command will be myself and my 2nd Commander Prince Sheogorath.
I want to run an inside ranking system working through the weekly challenge. Anyone who ranks 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the weekly challenge for DMG or KILLS is promoted (you start at private and work your way up) Each rank you get 10 Q7's and for the winner of the month your supply is converted to Q7 from Q6.
This is a system I thought up to add a bit of meat to the game.

I will release an article every week promoting the MU, on it I will have a section called 'Tales of Valor' Under this title I will give a write up on a certain member of the MU who has performed exceptionally in that week.

It has been a long time since Military Units took presence in eCanada's media and I plan on changing that.

This was my main problem. Since I disbanded the MU 5 months ago I set about saving for factories. I had enough WRM mines to make 10kCC per 3 days (which was pretty good for my books) however I strived to get a Q7 factory. A sale came up and I sold half my WRM mines to buy it, once I got it however I earnt so little from it due to fighting so much that I sold it again and put the gold aside to invest back into WRM. However during the UK war I got drunk and spent it all on energy bars and tanked out a billion dmg. A massive waste and I kick myself every day...
Sheogorath has offered to lend me a hand supplying and will support slave pits, in the mean time I will continue to save up, hopefully waiting to come across a heap of money to buy a 99g pack while drunk (who knows, it seems to be my major weakness with money).

10 Q6 Tanks will be supplied to players per day to start with and food on request. Hopefully we can expand this a bit once my factories get build back up.

Young players
I will be putting a lot of time into supporting Canada's new and upcoming players, my idea is that included in every weeks article I will add a donation section, all donations will go towards news players to help them increase their training grounds and stay in the game. I enjoyed tending new players before and I intend to do it again.

I threw the article art together pretty quickly this evening, I will get around to making more, I also made a profile avatar displayed here:

This is not compulsory, however it would be cool if you included it. I will happily make it for you if you send me your requested image, I will need to do it so I can include your rank in the image.

Combat Orders
All spare cash will be donated to the MU funds, here it will be used as Combat Orders for Canada's key battles.

Thank you everyone for reading, feel free to join us, we will take in anybody, there are no requirements! WWII theme would be great for you to follow though 😛
More updates will come over the coming weeks, this is the first day of it being restarted, I am open to all suggestions!

- Pat Harper