5 Weeks - Ain't that some Ish.

Day 1,217, 21:01 Published in Canada Canada by Muglack

Well the Hammer of Justice came down on me.

The punishment? A 5 week ban. FIVE WEEKS.

What did I do that was so bad?

I wrote and answered the questions in Rolo's defense. Sneaky and underhanded? Sure. Wrong? I don't think so.

Olivermellors in his infinite law school dropout wisdom even informed JFStpiere and I during the trial that it was normal practice for client and council to sit down and work out questions and answers. He even went so far as to include the proper term for it in an attempt to impress us with how much he knew. We weren't, but he tried.

So I wrote up my questions and sent them off to Rolo so we could work out details on how he would answer. What did Rolo do? Said he didn't care what I wrote, because he just didn't care. So I did what the Justice told me. I sat down with a client to write the answers and included everything that my client wanted me too. Exactly nothing.

What happens next after I followed the direction of the court? They have the audacity to BAN ME FOR IT?

CAN YOU BELIED DAT? The GALL of these people!

Is this what Justice is in eCanada? A blue collar guy like me, trying to do what he can to make this country a better place by following the directions of his betters as they shout down on him from that most glorious of Ivory Towers who only gets punished for doing what they say? Is that "Fair and Balanced"? Is that "Logical"? I don't think so!

This is a Travesty! This is an Outrage! This is SPARTA! Wait.. that last one's wrong, but the other two, I mean those.

An honest God-faring man gets 5 weeks, while a guy found guilty of financially crippling the country gets fined the equivalent of a slap on the wrist compared to what he was found guilty of stealing and once paid he gets his access restored immediately?

Really? REALLY? This has certainly gone too far.

Now I know how Nelson Mandela felt.

P.S VOTE FOR ME IN THE NWT ON FRIDAY! I does a real goods job. You can trusts me.