[WTP]- Our Congress Hopefuls; A Quick Read Before Voting.

Day 2,010, 21:25 Published in USA USA by Hale26

[Insert Deep, Meaningful Quote here]


Evening WTPers,

As usual, here is our list of congressional candidates this month. Based on how much you like each candidate, you will be voting them on a preferential ballot. From there they will be organized accordingly on the congress rooster, minus spots we may give to Sixth Parties.

Beside each candidate's name is a score from their test, unless they were in the last cacaus. Also, thanks to mazz for helping me with this article.

Anyways, onto the article ~
(Btw- I'm writing this very late at night. Don't judge me and my errors/bad wording)

Rice Racer~ 81%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, I'm able and willing to use IRC.

Why do you want to be a congressman ?
Being in congress is something I have wanted to try for a while and have ran for several times.

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

What sets you apart as a congressman ?
Been an active player for almost 4 years

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
Top Gun regiment 1 captain for over a year

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Gonzobad ~ 81%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I am an old erepublik user(since 200😎, but I never had the chance to run for Congress. After a lot of changes in the game, I belive that this is the right time for me to run for a chair. I am active and I read the news. A lot. I know what is going on this this country, and I support the eUS as best as I can. I don't mind if I don't get elected. I will try again. And I know that I will find new friends in WTP, just like I found them in the Praetorian Guard.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
Activity is my main quality. Both in game and on IRC. And the fact that I know what is going on in this eWorld, not just the US. Plus the fact that I know Hungarian and Romanian. I read their news too.
Another thing would be that firstly, I would consult with the party leaders before making a decision.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Position held in WTP: proud member
Position at the moment: proud member

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
Not much experience in politics yet

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Darknight293 ~36%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I do so frequently.

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I wish to help out more, I'm currently an Ambassador for the eUSA to eMexico and I believe being a Congressman won't get in the way of that (that's why we have technology right? 😃). I also know about Ajay and AFA, I don't want him to win for once....it must not happen!

What sets you apart as a congressman?
Nothing really. I cant' state what sets me apart from others, I'd rather have it decided by the peers of the party about if I would be a good congress person or not.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
I do not hold a postitons/roles in WTP. I am ,however, apart of the Ambassador program for eUSA as the ambassador to eMexico.

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
there isn't a past, I've only been here for 31 days. But i hope to make one with good feels and memory's!

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Dermont~ 45%

Aside- Though Dermont failed almost everything on purpose, I'll admit, his answers were fun. So much so, that it would be nothing less than sheer corruption to not show his answers in public. For a full badly-organized transcript, click here- http://mibpaste.com/2SWgI7

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, I'm willing and able to use IRC.

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
Because I can and I am so awesome, that without my awesomeness the awesome Congress cannot be awesome.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
My awesomess!

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Not really, to busy calling CoT being retards.

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
Ask Vanek.

Plus: Ask Oblige how I beat him in pumpkin competition. Pathetic

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Thermaikos ~82%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, I'm able and willing to use IRC.

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
To get get involved.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
democracy, loyalty

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
2 terms Congressman
Member of The Special Forces

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Nick E. Stine~ 109%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, I'm able and willing to use IRC.

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I want to help out and make a change in the way our Foreign Affairs are held as well as help rid our country of the Serbs of AFA.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
What experiences in the other eCountries have opened my eyes to the problems that this country is facing as well as how other countries perceive us. Unlike many Congress(wo)men who just focus mainly on the economy I want to strongly focus on eUSA's foreign affairs.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Not and have not worked for the party.

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
1x Congressman
Current Ambassador to eUK
ex-Ambassador to eColumbia

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Mr. Wonka ~109%

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
I would like to be a congressman to make my mark in america and to have a voice. I feel it is important especially after working in the state department that i can not just advocate for a mpp or new law proposed, but so i can also vote on the law.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
What sets me apart is my stunning personality 🙂. But i am a hard worker and dedicated to the task ahead. I will not stop if anything gets in my way. I really can't put it into words.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
I have held no positions in WTP before

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
I am currently the ambassador to Romania and one of the Deputes of ambassadorial affairs.

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Emerick ~82%

Are you willing to use IRC ?

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
To make 5 golds

What sets you apart as a congressman?
Distance from others

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Forum poster, IRC user, party member

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
President, SecState, Ambassador, Party President

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Mazzy Cat

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use it frequently.

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
To continue my path of adorability across the eUS.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
I'm a kitty. I'm adorable. It works.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
2 term Interparty
1 term Vice Party President
3 term Party President
Current Advisor

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
A few deputy jobs..
3rd term Secretary of Education

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?

The Mike

Are you willing to use IRC ?

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
Because Josh Frost has announced that he is running for .. congress.

What sets you apart as a congressman ?
Because of my avatar (or lack of one)!

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Don't keep track of those any more.

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
Too eOld to remember

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?
No, not interested

Vasily Dzerzhinsky

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
Power, money, girls, sports cars.

What sets you apart as a congressman?
Because I always vote the party line and unswayed by the forces of corruption that seek to tear apart our beautiful party and republic and I will find and eat the heart of anyone who is.

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
Deputy Spokesman

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
Former Second in Command of The Activity

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?

Are you willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use it frequently

Have you reqed for access to WTP Private ?

Why do you want to be a congressman?
~whale noises~

What sets you apart as a congressman?
~whale noises~

What positions/roles have you held in WTP ?
PP, VPx5 or 6?

What eUS Past Experience do you have ?
4x CP
4x Secretary of State
1x Secretary of Defense
11x Congressman
Game Moderator
Forum Moderator
Director of the Mentorship Program
CO of the SFs

Are you interested in pursuing a congress Leadership Position ?

And there are our lucky contestants for this month. To cast you ballot (preferential, ofc) for one of the candidates, please do so here ~

VOTING LINK~ http://www.ereptools.tk/elections/
(Yes, all caps is necessary for you skimmers out there)

That's about all for now. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go get some sleep. Continue to Insurgio, WTPers ~

Bonne Nuit