[WHPR] Interview Edition

Day 1,488, 09:42 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

We have a special Interview Edition of the White House Press Room today! Our staff of reporters sat down and interviewed some of the newly elected top 5 Party Presidents.

But first, and interview with the Office of Militia Support(OMS) Director , SGTRock, to answer a few questions about this program:

What is the Primary role of OMS?
To act as the over site liaison between the Secretary of Defense, President and approved United States based militias.

What are the requirements for a militia to receive funding?
1. Militias must have 15 Members and provide a listing of their members.
2. Militias must give access to daily orders.
3. All members must be in communes and provide a list of communes.
4. Militias will not get more money than needed to break even, or until cap is reached.

How often do the militias get funded?
Once per week.

Is this open to any militia?
The only caveat is the militia must be eUS based and be approved by the President. It would be my recommendation that we not add additional militias unless additional funding was reflected in the budget.

Do all Militias serve the NSC at all times?
Yes. They are funded at the pleasure of the President. However, militias have the ability (3 days in 7) to deploy elsewhere as long as it's not against eUS interest. It is noteworthy that the National Security Council or President can cancel a deployment and redirect those forces as needed.

How much does OMS pay?
The amount the militias receive is approved by congress via the budget process. Currently this is: $146,600.00
The 146K is then divided by total members in the system. This quotient is then added per membership and each militia is paid accordingly.

Thanks to SGTRock for taking the time to answer a few questions! o7

White House Press Corps writer kooguy (editor of Kooguy’s Fire) interviewed some of the Top 5 Party’s Presidents:
I took some time to interview the winners of the Party Presidential races for the following parties. The Federalists, the Libertarians, the United States Workers Party, and the American Military Party. I would like to congratulate the winners, and thank them for replying to my questions. I asked everyone the same two questions, and the third was more related to the individual party.

Party: Libertarians
Winner: Jamarcus

What do you hope to accomplish in the following month?

I hope to raise activity levels as much as possible. I also hope to make us a real competitive party again.

Have you told any party members to vote for PigInZen?
No. The NCP is not my concern.

What percentage of Congress would you like to see the Libs take?
I don't really have a percentage in mind. I'd like to get more than two members this time. Perhaps 5 or more.

Party: United States Workers Party
Winner: Henry Arundel(Pfeiffer)

What are you planning to accomplish for your party this month?

Success on the 25th, hold on to our lead in the rankings, nominate a qualified CP candidate.

Did you ask your party to vote for PiginZen for NCP PP?
I told most people to hold and check with me when they were ready to vote. My IRC active members have been, and will be, directed to vote for Pig.

How do you feel about Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard's effort to become PP?
Josh Whitehead is a joke. I was only ever worried that AMP might try and help Glove.

Party: American Military Party
Winner: Cleveland Fleman

What do you hope to accomplish this month as PP?

I have a lot of things that I want the AMP to accomplish. Of course I want the AMP to win as many seats as possible in the Congressional Elections. I will release a PP Address soon, and it will contain most of the things that I want to get done as PP.

Did you ask your party to vote for PiginZen for PP of the NCP?
I did not explicitly ask my party to vote for PigInZen, but to join #AMP.PAC or contact anyone in AMP Leadership to receive voting instructions.

Do you expect to beat the USWP in the upcoming Congressional election?
My PAC Director is fully capable of dominating the Congressional
Elections. I have full faith in him that he will make us proud.

Party: Federalist Party
Winner: Fluffydoorman

What do you hope to accomplish this month as PP?

I'd love to continue the amazing recruitment that has been ongoing the last few months and really see how far we can push the Feds. I'm also really big on getting newer players into party politics. To many times party's are run by older players that have become entrenched...almost aloof. Newer players are intimidated and believe there's nothing they can do. I want them to come to the Feds and see what party politics truly can be. Help out, learn and through them, we can push forward with a new generation of players.

Did you tell your party members to vote for PigInZen?
I did not tell any party members who to vote for in any PP election. I did ask them to vote for whomever they believed deserved to be PP, but that was all.

How many members would you like to get into Congress this month?
At this point members are still signing up so I haven't had the opportunity to look into numbers running yet. But if I do need to set a number I'd like to see...let's go with 13. It's my lucky number. And it'll probably give my PD a heart attack.

I would like to thank every PP winner for their response, and I congratulate them for their victory.


Israel Stevens
Director, White House Press Corps