[Voice of Asteria] Announcement

Day 2,588, 09:41 Published in Greece Romania by Asteria HQ

Greetings all,

There have been many interesting developments in these past few weeks. This article is about to add one more. Asteria has signed a Non Aggression Pact with Bulgaria. The terms are next:

1 Bulgaria gets its original regions back.
2 Bulgaria does not move out of its original regions (Bulgaria will not put any NE or DoW laws to ANY country bordering them, or AS laws)
3 The nap includes ALL Asteria / Leto countries
4 If Bulgaria breaks any point Serbia, Romania and Greece will propose Natural enemy law on them
5 This NAP can be renewed with every month with the change of government.
6.Romania is free to pass a Natural Enemy law without affecting the NAP if Bulgaria directly or indirectly using its allies or a 3-rd party take actions that harms the integrity of Greece, Serbia, Romania or their colonies

Hail Argentina
Hail Brazil
Hail China
Hail Greece
Hail Romania
Hail Serbia
Hail Slovenia