[UPC] Our Platform, Your Platform

Day 1,791, 21:13 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee


I’d like to congratulate whoever wins the UPC party president elections tomorrow. At this moment in time Lord Beorn is leading Lord Julian Moretti. Both men are dedicated to the party and I look forward to seeing the results tomorrow.

Our platform, your platform

Currently we as a party have decided to modify our party platform, opening several polls with suggestions to what routes we should take and what goals we should. At this moment amendments have been proposed to our military and social platforms.

Social Amendment


-Equality among players
-Helping new players grow


-Equality among all Canadian's; Franco, Anglo or Bilingual.
-Helping new players grow and become productive citizens.
-Giving a voice back to the layman.

Military Amendment


-Provide NE battles and war for eCanada whenever logically possible
-Support our allies and be a trusted and respected voice in our Alliances
-Support MU Funding to the best of its abilities


-Provide NE battles and war for eCanada whenever logically possible
-Support our allies and be a trusted and respected voice in our Alliances
-Support MU Funding to the best of its abilities
-Avoid compromising territorial integrity if possible


Both of those amendments are currently being voted on at our forum here: http://unitedpartyofcanada.forumotion.ca/ We encourage all our members to get active and join our forum.

Please consider joining the United Party of Canada. We look forward to your visit on our forum!

Party Leadership

Party President: Lord Julian Moretti
Vice President: Ardikus V2
Secretary General: Lord Beorn
Councillor: frank139
Spokesman: Toad22