[UKRP] The sales are on!

Day 756, 06:40 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Whilst I have kept quiet for a while now, I feel it fitting to come out. Winston L. S. Churchill spent our entire gold on ads? Should we care? definitely not.

This is the final admission, of a mis-guided soul, that he cannot take failure. (Don't tell him about the crusades and how the islamic armies OH SH-). Anywho, have you watched that youtube video yet?

Do eet.

Now, as I mentioned, the party funds are no big loss. Why? It means US-A-jay, will be leaving! The really delicious part? Winston L. S. Churchill came to me a couple of days ago with an offer; he would leave the party, the country, and not return in exchange for 200 gold. Whilst I was tempted, I didn't fancy funding the radical christian right any further; the CIA would shoot my ass down. The delicious part? Even without the help from other parties, Raziel would have 6 more votes than Winston!

This is a personal thank you; to the 578 members who I have been in contact with for the last month; some of you admitted you were voting Winston - our of a sense of loyalty; this is understandable. Now however, we can move on, and actually get something done. I look forward to a month in which we can show you real progress.

In his term, Winston has spent around 60 gold in adverts - with the UKRP gaining a net 60-70 members; so in effect, Winston has paid each new member 1 gold; this guy is brilliant, no? Now that he's wasted our last 100g, we should be thankful - we can show Winston what real "success" is. We don't need gold to buy members; we need a true leader.

This is the second time in 4 weeks and 1 day, I can say that the UKRP is finally returning to normality, and for my final act;


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