[UKRP] LoB Running for Congress + (Mission! 25 Comments plz)

Day 2,709, 11:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lord of Bones

With the congress elections fast approaching and a small chance of having my first attempt at becoming a congressman I wanted to tell you what I would do if elected this month.

There is a common pattern that is present in the UK that I have observed in the last 2 months. Not many people vote.. or is it a case of not many people agreeing with the politicians? I'm not totally convinced but I wanted to be transparent and let you know my goals for the coming month.

So what will I do if elected this month.
I will;

Activity: I promise to be active and publish weekly article's regarding congress votes and updates. I believe as an elected congressman its my responsibility to the electorate to inform them of my decisions. I must say I've seen nothing from congress and that has disappointed me.

Dictatorship: It appears clear to me that after the attack of MEK a democracy is not possible or at least will be very difficult to uphold. However we as a collective need to hold a proper referendum and decide as a nation do we want a democracy and accept the dangers or install a dictator. If elected I want to help be informative to the public and help everyone come to an informed decision.

Young Perspective: Being only 2 months old I feel I can bring a perspective to congress discussions when it comes to new players. I am current on NHS, TG loans and how we should be supporting new players better. I feel some older players will miss the needs of our new players. I want to be the voice for newer players.

New ideas: One idea I have is to create a 'Guardian Angel' fund. This is where a selected group of the most experienced and trusted players in the UK are given a chunk of our cash to protect and look after. Lets say we have £500,000 in the accounts and we pick 10 Angels to protect and store £50,000 each.
Depending on the feedback I get for such an idea, I was going to write an article on it in the coming days. Such a fund would be 100% visible and the government would be able to pull the money back if say a revolution was started. I want to stop putting all our eggs in the one basket.

MPP's + Alliance: I believe that we need an alliance that works for the UK and benefits us. MPPs are very important but also very expensive and so we must be conservative when selecting our future MPPs. Selecting MPPs that offer us good damage for the price paid.

Taxes: I believe in low taxes unless it becomes absolutely necessary to increase. Low taxes and good bonuses for the UK mean richer players coming back to the UK. We have a need to expand our MPP stack but I intend on starting some fund raising schemes to boost this instead of increasing taxes and affecting the poorer players within the UK.

Other Targets:
1) Restart our rental agreement with Norway
2) As a congressman I will request a weekly outlook on our finances from the MoF.
3) Ensure the Government gives the UK a Referendum on Democracy/Dictatorship

Finally guys I have a mission to achieve 25 comments in one article. Please if you don't mind hurl abuse at me whatever, just leave a comment please.

Thanks for reading