[UKRP] Introducing our new CRAP Initiative

Day 2,677, 09:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

Hello Poland please don't invade us. We used be friends remember. We'd get in too far over our heads and you'd come and bail us out time after time after time. You know like good friends do.

We here at UKRP have decided that since no other party seems active and congress is basically dead (apart from its UKRP members ofc) that we should start poking fun at the others until it wakes them up and kicks them into action as the lack of competition is boring us.

So without further delay please enjoy my first edition of the C.R.A.P Initiative (Casually Racist Against Parties).


Biggest party in the eUK? More like biggest losers (amirite?). When was the last time one of you spoke? Are you a secret society for the eUKs morons now? You used to be the big dogs of the eUK holding a monopoly over all the elections now you sit above us all in the rankings sat on your seat of multis watching everyone else work their butts off to keep this country running. You say you stand for 'unity' well you definitely aren't uniting to run the country. No wonder everyone outside of TUP hates you.


The original 'anti-establishment' party. Badasses taking on the elite of the eUK. Now though? You're more establishment than the establishment. The badasses have moved on and now you're just one of the others drifting into insignificance. Dapper has created more interesting parties than you and he's...well he's Dapper. Also you're the place Wayne and BigAnt made a name for themselves, oh and me too so that's even worse for you guys.


Hello, good to see someone's active enough to run a CP as well as UKRP. Pity he's the most boring CP the eUK's ever had, then again it is fitting seeing as though he runs the most boring party in the eUK. Seriously is there anyone else in this party apart from Huey? Alex doesn't count because he'll probably decide to leave for Nigeria or quit the game for 2 weeks tomorrow.


As we all now the game means that any form of communism doesn't work in this game because of how the mechanics work so therefore what is the point in this party? What are your policies? How do you even function. Apart from the roleplaying potential (something the eUK has not ventured into for at least three years now) what do you bring to the table? Although too be far you seem to have worked this one out of yourselves as I don't think anyone has seen from you in 3 years either.

UKRP's CRAP Initiative part 1 is complete. Now remember UKRP is wanting your votes for election time and now you've seen how completely useless the competition is, you no doubt will want to vote for us.

Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and subscribe.


P.S. - This article while containing insults is poking fun and taking piss. If you are offended by anything then please contact me via PM and I'll be sure to ignore you.