[UKRP] For Glory!!

Day 2,697, 09:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

So it's been a while since I wrote an article for UKRP and a lot has happened since. I'm not going to recap it all because that would be insanely boring and that's right up Goku's street.

So today I'm going to talk about why UKRP is the right party for you and what we bring to the baw fest which is eUK 'politics'.

1. Active Members

The UKRP is renowed for it's activity. I mean we got a 3 on the 'still-patented Patented VoodooMike71 Party Feed Activity Score Rating Thing' whatever that means. Our activity allows us to still form a main part of discussions in congress and in general despite only being the 3rd largest party in the rankings. Having active congress fighting for our views compared to other parties who select candidates, who act like George Galloway and never turn up in parliament, means have a more powerful voice.

2. Experience

Don't be put off by the oldfags though we have younger members too. 😛

UKRP has been around since 2007 and throughout that time has always stayed relevant in eUK politics. Nowadays it's membership have kept up this tradition. Many have/hold key ministerial positions and the party is littered with ex-Country Presidents. This valuable experience is on hand to help any new member in the party grow into the player they want to be and they will be backed by the full force of the party.

Oh look it's Apples

3. We seriously care about the eUK

The UKRP's official tagline is 'Founded in 2007, UK Reform is the oldest British political group and exists to this day through our combined approach of pragmatism with realism towards the common goals of our national society. Whether you're a veteran or a newbie, we offer a fun and friendly place to enjoy the game' and this is the truth. We push for our members too take up key positions in government and if we feel one of our members is a strong enough candidate we will push them for a CP run. Something we like to do as often as we can.

On top of this as a party we look to push our best, active and most promising members to congress to push forward discussion and have the best people pushing the buttons. New members will be taught how to approach congress and then allowed to push for their ideas and given the freedom to fight for what they want. A lot of parties shove new players in without telling them what is expected and what the job entails and sadly this leads to inactivity and wasted rogue proposals.

I bet George Galloway hasn't turned up for this vote either.

4. We like to have fun as well

This is a game after all. UKRP likes to have a bit of joke even at the expense of ourselves sometimes. This makes the game worth playing in my opinion and everyone should be having fun. So while we want to do well at the game and see the eUK do well not everything is 100% TUP serious. UKRP is a friendly environment and something cool is always going on so don't hesitate to get involved on the feed or in the media.

5. We have a House Raffle

Dave just started this awesome house raffle http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ukrp-weekly-house-raffle-2514912/1/20 which you should all check out.

To get you in the mood for winning things the first 10 people to comment on this article will win 10Q7 tanks.

Well I want to go and join UKRP all over again now. If you're interested then come check is out here:

Any questions then feel free to ask either me or our glorious leader WookieO

Oh and to fit with the current theme of eUK articles at the moment here is my Adastros insult:

Adastros smells. Oh I'm so harsh.

Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and subscribe.
