[UKRP] End of Term Party Awards

Day 2,670, 10:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

Welcome to the Sambo Edition of the UKRP End of Term Awards

I'm doing this a couple days earlier for reasons I'll explain below. But first too the awards for the Term of Massacar and it's been a jam packed term. Dictatorship, scandals and the prospect of the unthinkable. A NAP with Ireland and Canada. What is the world coming too.

So as you've all probably learnt by now UKRP is one of most active parties in the eUK. In fact has anyone heard from TUP this term? So we like to celebrate our members.

One part of the celebrations will be these rewards, each winner will receive 100Q7 weapons! I'll send them at some point over the weekend.

Greatest Community Player
This award is for the party member who is most active within the UKRP and eUK community, and helps the community in all ways.
This award goes to - Fataliix

Yeah I know he won this last month but he's active, stepped in too pretty much save the MoFA position and he often accumpanies me during my 2am IRC sessions.

Best UKRP Congressman
This award might seem a little pointless this month because of dictatorship but I've biased the desicion on contribution to discussion and boring stuff like that
And so the winner is - Rob the Bruce

Best New Player in the Party
Yeah so I'm giving this to thegreatsponger because I cheated it out of him last month. Sorry not Sorry.

Greatest UKRP Troll
This award is being shared this month between the two alter egos that first made you think the Argies were planning to Military Take Over (MTO) but then revealed to be an e😜layer come back to save you all. Yes I'm giving this too myself. Gali gave himself an award last month.

Congrats Billy and Sambo

Chaz can claim this one if he turns out his eDeath is a troll. Plz come back Chaz.

Best Act of Democracy Dictatorship

The best act of Dictatorship this month was by a UKRP player and this award highlights his achievement of giving Wayne the dictatorship was the 'banta'. Congrats Adastros. on this award.

Goldenest Golden Oldy
This award goes to the an older UKRPer who for some bizarre reason still plays the game. And this month the winner is Sir Humphrey Appleby

Mainly cos if he wins PP election I want to be on his good side.

Most batshit insane

This person is UKRPs Psycho and for his weird musings and for 'comitting a UKRP cardinal sin in the eUK media'. Oh and on top of all this he scored a minus in beer pong and lost. Yes you're right it's Gali2332.

UKRP Leadership Award

Yes I'm making up these awards up but I felt for his efforts as PP and keeping all the chaos as organised as bloody possible. So congrats Massacar you did good.

So that's all the awards done. Congrats to the winners and if you didn't win then I probs forgot about something you did this term and you need to try harder for the next one. Now onto something I would like to talk about.

Today is Red Nose Day 2015 and to celebrate that I'd like to ask you get involved and make a difference by donating to this cause which has had a massive impact on my life. Give a little, give a lot or just ignore this message but at least check out the great work they do here. Thanks guys!

Thanks for reading,
