[UKRP] Detective Sambo Interrogates the Suspects

Day 2,668, 08:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

The Party President Elections are coming up and once again UKRP is putting all the parties to shame by being active, awesome and insane. We have 5 at the time of me sending on my little questionnaire and they are all fighting it out to be elected on the 15th.

With so many candidates you may be sat there thinking 'Who the hell do I vote for' so your friendly local Sambo kidnapped all the candidates and asked them 5 important question to help you determine who to vote for and here are their answers.

First to reply was Apples (I'm as surprised as you are right now)

1. What are your top 3 plans for UKRP if elected as PP?

a. My chief concern would be establishing our collective approach to the new political module. Should we all maturely consider the best means of security and participation for the eUK then I think it should make for a very interesting and vibrant community. Things can't obviously stay the way they are without some serious reform - and we as the Reform party should be leading the charge.

b. The national media is in a very poor state compared to even a year ago. I think it is our duty as the elder statesmen of our country to resuscitate the spirit of journalism that made the eUK a very interesting place comparable to similar sized communities. The current giveaways and games are a step in the right direction for this.

c. I think, finally, the party itself could do with a bit of cleaning up. The party cabinet aren't really expected to do much and that should change - along with our current settings as center-left and authoritarian. As a constitutional party I think we should revert to our natural home on the center right, libertarian.

2. Why is UKRP the best party in the eUK?

Chiefly because this party effectively made all the major institutions of government we use today. The Bank of England, the NHS, the Ministry of Defence, the Home Office, etc. The first few months of the game saw the rest of the world cheaply initiate what this party was furiously inventing due to the laziness of the admins. For the first few years, we in UKRP soundly ruled the political sea until the giant squid TUP and sea monster PCP randomly appeared from the black depths...

But irrespective of our great and glorious history - we are still by far the most active party in the country. We are the most tolerant and free thinking that the English speaking world on this game as to offer. And I know for a fact that even if a handful of our members were still knocking about in a year time they would be carrying on the good fight for yet another 8 years!

3. What makes you better than the other candidates?

I think each person has their own strengths on this game; the other candidates obviously have a lot going for them as they chose to stay in UKRP. What would probably set me apart from them is the sheer experience I bring to the table - I expect should I be elected as PP I would've spent over a year running the party since joining in 2010 i.e. a fifth of all my game time 🙂

4. What is your favourite type of cheese?


5. Billy or Sambo?


Next up is Adastros who was thankfully reminded he was running by my interrogation.

1. What are your top 3 plans for UKRP if elected as PP?

Change the name to 'UK Reform Partay', have like competitions/mini games feeding into the Beer pong monthly championship, and continue trolling the rest of the eUK.

2. Why is UKRP the best party in the eUK?

Because we're the only ones who seem to appreciate its a game and not to be taken seriously

3. What makes you better than the other candidates?

I won the Beer Pong Championship 8 times in a row

4. What is your favourite type of cheese?


5. Billy or Sambo?

People who don't rejoin and hide behind different names... even Goku didnt pull this shit! At least as far as we know...

Next is Gali who I fear may have been taking his special mushrooms as he answered

1. What are your top 3 plans for UKRP if elected as PP?

Well, as you know I’ve been planning some fun and games for the party, so there’ll be a Total War tournament or battle, depending on the turnout. I’m also very excited about the “Rise from the Ashes” game that ApronChef will set up on the UKRP forums. This’ll bring some life to the near-dead party forums, which will be good.

As you know, the UKRP has spammed the media with articles for the past two months, but I hope to harness the power of this spam, innit. I will set up that PM between the party cabinet members, and we will decide upon a recruitment strategy for the articles. This will change the media spam into a more organised kind of propaganda. In my articles I have explained that harnessing the power of the media is something that will hopefully attract more like-minded players to the party, and this is something I hope to do.

As a part of this recruitment and activity drive, I’ll be running little mini-projects every-so-often, consisting of a few people who’ll sign up. We’ll work out the strategies for each project within the party cabinet, and each of these projects will go some way towards the recruitment and activity drive. There’ll be about 5 of these tiny projects, although the number may change when the party cabinet PM is up. Moar about this l8tr.

I will also try and improve our relations with another party, probably WRP. In the coming months, what with the game changes and the apparent uselessness of parties other than for the community, we may need to find some allies. This will essentially be simply to get ourselves into a better position if/when we need some allies or deals to be made in the future. Me and the other PP will work something out so that our communities can become closer.

Sooo that’s-

-Fun and games
-Recruitment and activity drive
-Improving relations with lovely people

2. Why is UKRP the best party in the eUK?

Because of the community of course! Many people have said that we have the most active, fun-loving and friendly community of all the parties! Also, our congress lists are consistently brilliant, our party is a place where some of the coolest people reside.

3. What makes you better than the other candidates?

Of all the candidates, I think I have the biggest plans, and most memes.
I will be very active during my term, and won’t rest for one moment until I am satisfied with my work as PP.
In the past I have proven myself to be a gr8 investment m3, and I will make this the best PP term possible.

Basically, everything on my manifesto will be complete.

4. What is your favourite type of cheese?

Err... gotta be cheddar. Not very exotic I know, but then again I've never been particularly adventurous with my cheeses.

5. Billy or Sambo?


Right let's move on from what ever that was and onto everyone's favourite Wookie

1. What are your top 3 plans for UKRP if elected as PP?

My top three plans are very similar to what they have always been in the past...attempt to stimulate activity, inject fun and try and get more party members voting.

This hasn't always worked, but I have faith that one day I will succeed beyond my wildest dreams and one idea I would like to try and implement is a drive to get those party members who are active fighters, to make sure their training grounds are upgraded and they have contracts in place if they are.

Some may say the UKRP isn't the place to deal with military issues and that members should look to their military units for education and support. To an extent I agree with them, but I know that some MUs do not nurture their fighters as well as they should. So this was just one little idea I thought I'd try out.

Other things I will have going on will probably be a return of "Wook's Watching" but just for the UKRP, plus a media competition that will be 'hilarious', 'quirky' and 'ever so much fun' just like an early episode of "The Real World".

2. Why is UKRP the best party in the eUK?

Easy. We've got the best collection of nutters, weirdos and deviants in the country. Oh, and Gali.

3. What makes you better than the other candidates?

Have you seen my résumé? I'm bloody amazing. My fur is glossier than all of the other candidates and I can make lady wookies moist just by winking at them.

4. What is your favourite type of cheese?

There's a sheep's brie made by a small farm in south Devon that is absolutely fantastic. So that one.

5. Billy or Sambo?

Billy of course. Sambo's full of shite 😛

Finally we have Pannonian nomad and his unusual ways

1. What are your top 3 plans for UKRP if elected as PP?

I'll do whatever the other candidates say they will do, but better. I'll do whatever the other candidates say they will do, but better. I'll do whatever the other candidates say they will do, but better.

2. Why is UKRP the best party in the eUK?

It's not. It will be close to that if I get elected.

3. What makes you better than the other candidates?

A mixture of Balkan and Central European mentality. Double-edged sword, but it's fun.

4. What is your favourite type of cheese?

This is actually a hard question 😃
Hmmm, maybe Camembert or some blue cheeses...but when I cook mac and cheese, make pizza, etc., I always use Trappista, so I'll stick with that one.

5. Billy or Sambo?

I'll go with Billy. The first Sambo was before my time, hopefully the new Sambo will continue with Billy-style comments 😛

So that's the interrogation over. Hopefully this will help you come election day on the 15th. I'll be back some other day with more amazing articles but for now vote, comment and sub and then go grab a nice beverage.
