[UKPP] PP Race Round Two!

Day 1,661, 13:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Garth Lidlington

Yep that’s right, I’m back in the Party President Race due to popular demand 😉 thanks for believing in me!

Firstly I feel that this term has been a very different term for the UKPP and the Royal Navy, and if you share my opinion I think it’s different for the better. A lot of work has been done behind the scenes to not only bring this party into a better light but to also reach out to newer players and help them along the way to grow up nice and strong! The party is now closer than it has been in countless months and the connections will only get stronger as I hopefully move into my second term watching over the UKPP.

What have I achieved exactly?

Retention and Recruitment Programme

Recently, we have set up a retention programme for mentoring newer players, which Richard Feist has took up the role of and so far has done a fantastic job and is proving to be a valuable asset to the Party and Unit!

Reintroduction of the eUK forums

Probably the biggest change to the party. The forums were reintroduced to the rest of the community to start showing we care about the eUK’s future. Next month the main focus will be getting them fully up and active.

Restructure of the Royal Navy

A full Naval team was constructed and developed successfully. A few competitions have started running and I hope so see more introduced within the units soon!

Progressive restructure of the UKPP

There is progress being made to fill new officer positions in the party, next term hopefully they will be filled and we can crack on with proceedings!

What do you plan to do next term?

Next term I intend to keep us guided in the right direction, as a whole I feel we are slowly getting back involved with the rest of the eUK and I feel that with continued progress we can become even stronger, so here are my plans!

1. Get the forums fully developed and active – this way there will be more interaction within the party rather than just using IRC to discuss issues or events

2. Complete restructure of UKPP – Once this is achieved, the workload will finally be spread out instead of it being lumbered on just a few individuals

3. Co-operating with other MU’s – Holding joint strike sessions with other MU’s will only do good for the eUK

Those are my main goals, the main thing we need right now is a continuation of progress and organisation in the party which I will try my damn best to achieve! A part two manifesto will follow shortly summarising management with the opportunity to apply, until then thanks for reading!
