[UK-Reform] Mitte running for PP

Day 2,121, 14:23 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

Hello dear party members and friends,

Apart from some holidays abroad, UK-Reform party has been my eHome in the eCountry I call mine. For the ones who like history, for the people who don’t know me or for those who have Alzheimer’s from old age, I will try and capture some memories.

I joined UK-Reform in October 2012. At that time we were recovering from a steep decline in membership. The party was buzzing and full of energy. Under the reign of TheDarkAce we bloomed. Member numbers were going up. We entered the top 5 once more and a decent amount of congress seats was our reward for that. I really got accepted and became part of this awesome community. I would even dare say family. Since then people have gone away again, new people came in and brought new ideas, but it is the old members, the true believers I respect the most.

One time I asked some old ukrp fag why he never left ukrp, even when it was at its lowest point ever and the game had almost no appeal left to him. He said to me: “ I will stay alive as long as Uk-Reform is alive”.

For those who have UK-Reform in their hearts I did not make the choice to leave when I felt excluded due to some measures taken by previous PP. I do not blame him for what he did because, even though I do not agree with how he handled things, he speaks with reason and knowledge and I did make the mistake to let myself be lead by others emotions instead of making a rational decision. We do need new members. Recruiting new blood is of essence. Building something without good old effort is bound to fail no matter how much we love our friends and like to hang-out.

1. Media presence and ingame party feed.
Newspaper articles
Lets face it folks, I can count the UK-Reform articles that have been published this Summer on one hand! How can we claim to be an active informing, reforming party when we don’t even bother with publishing anything.

I propose to make a template for future articles. That way it needs less effort to actually get something published. It will contain information about our members. What they do ingame in which MU they fight….the progress they make. It needs a discussion topic and a game section.

Party Feed.
Getting to know the people who up until now just played ingame is a good way to try and make them see that there is a whole new experience beyond clicking and reading the media.
Spamming the party feed with forum link and irc channel access should also be a priority.

2. UK-Reform out there
UK-Reform always had a good representation from its members in Government positions in the past. This generation of players is slowly backing out of active duty. I’d like to see new members of our party doing a good job in Congress and possibly in cabinet positions. It is most rewarding to see UK-Reform players succeed. The only way to achieve that is investing in the future. As PP I will see to it that the players who do have experienced get more involved in educating our younger members. We all need to start somewhere and it is my believe that you can’t just do whatever you feel like without prepping .

3. Recruiting
A party can not exist without members. These players need to come from somewhere. They don’t just knock on our door. As PP I am responsible for recruiting new members. Am I going to do this alone? I hope not, but the responsibility is mine if we fail.

Over time there have been different tools developed just for the purpose of recruiting. Only last month a perfectly good gDoc has been made. So instead of thinking I can reinvent the wheel, we will use the tools that are already in place.

I think I almost forgot to say that I am running for Party President. If you decide to vote for me, you will be taking this adventure with me. This is an area of the game I have not yet fully explored. I will give it my best first shot.

To all those (I hope it is many) who are willing to give me a hand, drop me a PM or just find me on IRC.

Yours truly,