[TUP] Mandate For Democracy + NPFriday!

Day 3,902, 06:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde

The Unity Party: Mandate for Democracy

My Friends,

When I last wrote to you, I gave a bold aim for the congress elections: To elect every candidate that we had to congress. When I wrote that I knew it would be a tough ask; it would have required roughly a 10% swing to our party, which isn’t easy considering that most players already belong to a party that they will generally vote for. So getting out the vote and making sure people logged in to make their voice heard was crucial.

I am delighted to report that we did just that: All 16 of our candidates were elected!

Not only that, but the Pirate Cats actually lost votes and lost members of congress. They have 8; we have double that on 16.

I think this result represents a stinging rebuke of the pirates support for dictatorship in the UK. After all, what use are members of congress to a party that has no interest in representing the will of the people?

In addition to our own success, the UKRP and WRP were also able to elect members of congress on a pro democracy ticket. Between the three parties we elected 28 of the 40 congress members. That’s 70%, and represents a supermajority of congress elected in opposition to the current dictatorship.

With that in mind, I hereby claim a mandate from the people to build a coalition in opposition to the current dictatorship; an Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Over the next few days TUP will be working hard at our party conference, developing a set of progressive policies for governing the UK. These policies will then become the manifesto of our CP candidate, and we will put them to the people on the 5th. This election will be important; in addition to deciding the ingame, largely ceremonial CP position, it will also act as a referendum on the dictatorship. I expect it to provide a clear message that the UK does not support this dictatorship and wishes to return to democracy.

If that is your wish, then join us. The forces of democracy need every able body in the fight against tyranny.

Some good news for you all too: New Player Friday is set to continue! Even dictatorship cannot stop us from seeking to help new players, and the program will continue to run in exactly the same way, but privately for now instead of under the Ministry of Education.

Welcome to this week’s edition of New Player Friday! Each week the Ministry of Education will be posting an article filled with useful information and fun for the whole country.

For those that don’t know, every Friday anyone that has signed up to the eUK receives a message welcoming them and giving them a few missions to complete in order to earn some cash. This has been working really well so far and has definitely upped our retention rates.

This will be continuing, with the addition of these articles to help welcome new players into the eUK community at large. One of their missions will be to comment on this article, and I’d like everyone to get involved in welcoming them and getting to know them as and when they do.

We’ll also be posting links to guides and any programs to help new players, like the NHS. If you have a program you’d like us to include then comment below or send us a PM. We’d be delighted to bring attention to any scheme that helps our newer players!

Some of us have been around for a lot longer than these new players, and we’d like to give a couple of incentives to older players to read and participate in these articles too. So with each article there may be games, competitions, challenges and rewards available too. The bigger the buzz and welcome we can create around these articles the better!

As always: Unity is Strength!

Talon Karrde
President of The Unity Party.