[TTH] A New Frontier

Day 2,661, 17:07 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone

Before we begin I wish to state here and now that I DO NOT speak for anyone except myself; I speak only as a 'pop gun' America Soldier of no consequence, I speak only as an insignificant but loyal American; I speak only as an American who believes in America First. As always I encourage each and everyone of you to get involved, but always remember to THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Join the People's party of revolutionary change, Socialist Freedom Party
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Head bang with Sixx Sense on 'The Brew' from my hometown, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma....

'There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.' ~Niccolo Machiavelli

I won't waste your time showing you the screen captures that I know you all have seen, but the recent buzz in the American Press has of course been the Back Room talk of a 'Preventive Dictatorship' to forestall someone else doing it first, now don't act all surprised that conversation is taking place; America knew that the present 'meta government' and 'meta Congress' doesn't talk about fight club. America knew that the way this 'meta government' operates is in total secrecy, even the late DMJohnston promised to revive the 'Pony Express' and what did America get? Nada.

The other day I lost 200 CC to a fellow Comrade. The day the 'Dictator Module' come online I bet him that Henry Pfeiffer Arundel would start a Civil War before day change on March 1, I said he wouldn't be able to resist the medal. Now of course everyone knows what happened, yep without even knowing what was going on; he stabbed me in the back and failed at...well...being Pfeiffer -I also said the 'Nameless One' might see his chance, but alas he also failed miserably.

It is quite apparent that this 'meta government' thinks in evil terms. The question they posed was, 'What is the best way to violently overthrow America to prevent an enemy from doing so?' It is my belief and I think it is the belief of most members of the Socialist Freedom Party that the question posed should have been, 'What is the best way to defend America and retain our freedom and democracy -such as that is- against a Civil War attempt by an enemy?'

Posing such questions is what organizations such as the Secret Committee on Intelligence (SCI) is supposed to be doing, posing scenarios is how you plan and in and of itself is not treasonous; however when the SCI does so in the Cloak Room over fat Cigars and Whisky out of sight of the American public and that scenario directly contemplates violent overthrow of America -that is treasonous. American citizens find themselves in a precarious situation, I may be facing decisions I don't even want to think about.

The reason they chose the question they did is because they all know there isn't any CC in the National Reserve, they know that if an attack comes from the outside they will be unable to defend against it; anyone who believes there is even 1 cc left in the Reserves is foolish -they have proven time and time again that they care only for their 'power cabal'. How many times must they drive their knives into America's back before we as citizens go all Howard Beale and say, 'I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!'

'To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.' ~SunTzu

On day 2660 I woke up to Civil War raging outside my cabin window, to which I had retreated to percolate on the state of affairs. Stepping onto my screened in porch with my gun in one hand and my rifle in the other, I looked to my right and on the hill in distance I saw the Stars & Stripes; looking to my left I spied the 13 Star Wreath of my Comrades in Arms. WAT? Decided to sit down and light a 😛ipe: and try to determine WTF! How the FN h*** did we get here?

After several bowls I decided that it all began with the split between the military and the 'power cabal' presently in charge of the 'meta government', that the height of America's world influence was in the era of the 'Three Pillars'; that we as American citizen are pretty much screwed. It is obvious to anyone who is involved in this game that our present 'meta government' could care less what America wants, their only concern is the enrichment of their 'power cabal' -IMO- to the tune 15-20 million in tax revenue.

Personally, I see this little dust up as a test run, sorta like licking your finger and holding it up to see which way the wind is blowing; hell even after sticking my toe in the water I still don't know the temperature. Where does the heartbeat of America lay? Unfortunately I am not a soothsayer, so I will make no predictions on where that location may be; but if you're a citizen whose heart beats for freedom and democracy then join the Socialist Freedom Party and the Bear Cavalry.


C'est la vie, Chérir', n'est-ce pas?
Comrade Franklin Stone
Socialist Freedom Party
Easy Company Militia, Private Military Unit
Corporal, 10th 'Ghost' Regiment
Military Fitness Academy, Class of 2601
Cadet Plebe, Advanced Training Academy