[TDBM] The Deputy is Back - Political Party's Kinda Suck

Day 2,757, 14:29 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

Hello Congress Members

The purpose of this group PM is to alert Congress members that eCanada has a Congress and Ive been working all day clearing the cobwebs away from its hallowed halls and polishing up its oak chairs so that you can rest your plump butt in its seats so that proper debate can occur here


If you have an itch to propose something please feel free then feel disappointed because it didnt pass, not by a long shot, then feel free to check this out http://ecan.forumotion.com/t545-the-government-charter-of-ecanada-nov-2014 its the Governments Charter of eCanada and you should become familiar with Section II so that all your great ideas will come to fruition and eCanada can rejoice.

Close to the end of term ill be releasing an article with all the congress activity stats so be warned. Its time to get congress working again with active congress members, we have gone far to long without a kneejerk tax change and that is unacceptable

Yours in Congressional solidarity

Deputy Speaker

P.S. Please dont debate anything here, debate is for the light of day on the eCan forums so that the 5 people remaining in eCanada that are not congress members can avidly keep informed


Maybe, or at least it is a beginning.

For eCanada's Congress to get fully unfunctional like it was in day's past it needs its Party Presidents to earn their position and become the leaders they get elected to be.


In eRepublik anyone and I mean anyone can start their own party, I did and it failed. The Crimson Order Military Unit decided to form their own political party and immediately shot up to the #3 party, roughly 60ish members if memory serves. While some would count that a success and something to build on it was soon apparent that once we ordered the fax machines for party headquarters we didn't know what to do next, we didnt have a plan, idea's or a platform and so goes the story of most if not all of eCanada's political party's, certainly at the moment.

Can anyone tell me the ideology between say the CPF and the Imperial Party or the MDP and BAL. If there is its certainly not my fault for not noticing its yours, your the problem, you.

Its anyone in a political party from its leadership on down, ok so its me as well but lets pretend its not. You don't tell me in PM's or the media anymore why I should join you, why your the best, what you offer and what you can do for me, you've got skinny and lazy and to be honest, it doesn't look good on you.

My point is that if your sitten stupid in a #6 party or below then stop it or get loud and take out a top 5 party, stand for something. If your sitten lazy in a top 5 party then earn that position. If your in any party and your leadership isn't leading then run for Party President and take that shit over.

Sons of Anarchy is Recruiting!!
-No Supply so F@ck Off
-Offers cool image opportunities

Congress member x31
Sons of Anarchy Member (First Nine)

Former Easy Company Member (USA)
Former SEAL Team 6 Member (USA)
Former Crimson Canuck CO (eCanada)
Former Praetor CO
Former CAF High Command Member (eCanada)
Former Informer Fan
Minister of this and a PP of that