[Sussudio] Community [Day 2415]

Day 2,415, 21:31 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

The year was 2008, a time when many of us only knew of Plato as that old Greek guy from those boring old history text books. eRepublik opened its doors to the public, luring a plethora of people in with the alluring promise of shaping the history of a vast, digital world. That eRepublik was much different than the one we know and love today. Many things have changed Some of those changes were great improvements, others were rather unfavorable game changers. The wall became the polygonal battlefield, and eventually the battlefield we have today. Politics shrank from Federal, party, regional congressional, and regional mayoral elections, to simply the existing federal, congressional, and party electoral system. The once great economy shrank to an economy that many dedicated users find inadequate and questionable. While many of those dedicated players currently involved with the latest iteration of the game may not quite remember those days, there are still many players who have been here throughout the years. What causes those people to become so involved in eRepublik? More specifically, what causes people to stay here once they have become involved?

Throughout the years, people in the eCanadian community have came and went. Some have passed on in real life, others became more involved in their real life. Some quit due to the boredom of continuing on in this game. Some even stab Russian Diplomats and are found naked and covered in blood! Surprisingly, however, many within the community seem to find that no matter how much they try, they just can not escape the game. What is it that keeps us here? For some, it may be the level of real life currency they have put into their account and community. Others, it may be the community itself that keeps them here. While eCanada's community has shrank considerably since the older days of eRepublik, many of the community's core members have stuck it in for the long haul, investing considerable amounts of time and money to keep the community going. Their efforts are likely the only true thing keeping our time in eRepublik engaging and fun (lord knows Plato isn't doing much in that regard).

One thing all of us should keep in mind, however, is that this game is simply a game. At the end of the day, we are all living beings, with a real life beyond the confines of our keyboards. Remember to spend more time with people you love and cherish. Remember to enjoy your time in this world. Remember that this is all just a game. We are all mortal creatures. We all have an expiry date. Try to make it to that date with no lingering regrets.

This article was going to be more lengthy and more detailed, but after the second paragraph I decided to take it into a different direction for reasons. (Sorry about the stab Oinyo, but I just had to do it 😛.)