[SURVEY] What do the visas think about the game?

Day 2,510, 02:24 Published in Poland Poland by Lord Casca

Hi to every citizen of this e-world! This is my biggest project as journalist and one of my first articles in english, so please, be comprehensive 😛

The idea of this article has been originated from a conversation with friends at IRC. It consists in a survey about the game to some players who buy gold with real money, they are commonly called ‘’visaplayers’’. I’ve selected the 50 citizens who have more experience points according eGov4you at the day 2473. I thank them to answer my questions and also to manpaspal who has done the graph and Daleier and jordic that has revised my english xD

Before to start with the results I want to say that this periodist tries to be objective and also that the answers of the respondents are all respectable. So, we can start!

Personal questions:

1.-Which is your citizenship in real life?

2.-The citizenship corresponds to the game citizenship? (Yes/No)

3.-When did you started to play the game? (Year)

4.-Did you started to buy gold entering the game or did you waited some time first to do? (When I started/ I waited some time)

Opinions about the game:

5.-Do you prefer how the game is now or how it was when you started playing? (Now/An intermediate period/When I started playing/I don’t know)

6.-When did you think that buying gold has had more weight? (choose one) (2008/2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014)

7.-And less? (choose one) (2008/2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014)

8.-Do you think that the introduction of the combat orders has affected the power of the alliances and has increased the individual power, or not? (Yes/No)

9-If the game had an end, when do you think that it will end? (In 6 months/ in a year/ in 2 years / more than 2 years)

All of this has been short questions. Now I’m going to ask you about your opinion of the game and what do you would change of it. You can say all as you want 😃

One of the Dalmatians

First possibility paying with gold , mean on all things, like travel,work tax,raise rw etc. Second possibility to sell, exchange and donate all like energy bars, part of bazuka and many other things


Admins killed the goose that laid the golden eggs to make more $$ in a short time…
In eRep Beta, the game was a real-world simulator. It had a balanced economic module, and a good political module… Now it's a nosense war game... All we need to do is using scripts... İt eats and hits all the day for you...
To save the game Admins should;
-Remove "work as manager" feature and dissolve all companies and return formation expenses back to players
-Change production formulas.
-Change features of weapons. For example 5 Q1 foods equals a Q5 food in practice, but 5 q1 weapons don't equals to a Q5 weapon.
-All quality of weapons should do same damage in a single hit (same "fire of power"). The only difference should be "durability".
- Bring back; local currencies (ron, usd, try, cny etc.), trade agreements between countries, party articles and mayorships.
- Improve new systems of government (monarchies, socialist/communist/fascist models, revolution feature etc.)

Xanthar Zaiban

I've always liked playing erep, the ideas behind it are fantastic. As a gold buyer I feel like it has really changed in the last year, year and a half and the focus is only on gold buying. Once I realized that erep only cares about you buying gold and wasting your money, I stopped. I even stopped playing for a few months. Call me a hypocrite, I don't care, it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. Su*k it Admins... su*k it long and su*k it hard!


1-Eliminate COs
2-Reset all organizations and to be reassigned only 2 or 3 to each country and the game should show what are the links and passes automatically (of the organizations). It can not be that are players with organizations that correspond to countries, while they have to be arranged with 1 single and sometimes none.
3-That the game does not allow fighting against a country which has signed the citizenship mpp statistics (this would give greater loyalty and greater strategies)
4-Enter the "eject citizen" in Congress module. That is, each country (through its Congress) have the possibility of proposing the expulsion of ‘’xx’’ number of citizens per month with a limit. Example: can be proposed once every 5 days (approved or not)
5-Finally, and certainly should be restructured regions and the amount of bonus according to the labor force in each country. It can not be that Uruguay has only 1 region and Nigeria has 5 or 6 when Uruguay has 10 times more people. And it can not be that Argentina and Chile have only 7 regions while Canada, Russia, Spain, etc have ten times more when they haven’t more active players.
6-I think that Plato should intervene heavily in the monetary market and mainly in the arms market, raws and food buying stocks to hold the price level, and already the incorporation of weapons q8 is urgently needed (with raw weapons and food) to raise some market.

Stoupakis Nikos

Does the political part of the game that wants improvements No more multies.


I would try to change the fact that gold buyers have such a big advantage towards non gold buyers... the other question is how I would do that and still get a cash inflow... I don't have an answer to that.


In those four years since when I'm playing erepublik many changes have been implemented , some of its we liked and some not, but what never has been changed is the treatment of admins to users . I´m not sure if this is because they are incompetent and have no idea how they should treat the customers or simply believe they are above the players. So the only thing that I think they should change in this game is the treatment of clients.


Change division system to old system adding a div5

Fedor DSD

The game was perfectly in the v2 period, now, with guerrilla fight, the game s*cks.


What motivated me to stay in the game was the community that there was, you could talk through the media various communication on economy, politics and military issues was something exciting to meet people from other countries that shared with you their ways of thinking, help, there is a base of trust between many of my virtual friends, and I think that was the aim of the gamebuild friendship and shared challenges together. ...
I've walked by different countries, discovered new ways to communicate, transmit messages so that the enemy does not know, but there are things you learn at the moment. ...
A way to help the game think it would be the creation of armies by alliances, as well as there are in real life: OTAN, Nations unit, which have their own armies, are provided by each member country and must remain in the alliance until the end of your period...
That is an idea of improving your game that partnerships have an own MU: they can assign to their captains and control their soldiers, but with the commitment that must remain for a minimum time in the unit military as members.
On the other hand, that delete once the orders of battle (CO´S), is destroying communities and motivating to the multeo extreme.


I would have changed the individual rewards with more often and daily interesting missions such as: you can work as manager after making 100 kills/day, or reach 5000 points in a weekly challenge to earn an extra 10% strength at next week's training. This will give an extra push to economy because of increased consumption.
Ι would give new interest in monetary market restoring national currencies and giving back to the players orgs.
In military module i would introduce guerilla wars between civilians giving presidency to victorious team as a reward, and the ability of MU's to rent soldiers for a period of time and selling damage to goverments.
In a little words i would mess up all this boring sh*t.


I have written several things about it.
Boost the political module add new medals for PP or minister. Allow impeachment of PPs from party members. Connect orientation with party or country attribute and bonuses.
Make media have a point. Give monthly CC for subscriptions but put limit one can have.
Ban multies add security for accounts event phone number confirmation.
Add civil war , bring back mpp activation and retreat. Strengthen the influence of MU's in the game.


Well, military model can be improved ! To be honest , I really prefer the old modules It looks like strategy games, doesn't it !! Anyway, let's Battle

Thank you very much to read me and a lot of thanks to all the players that have responded (16 players) 😃