[SPAM] Congress List

Day 5,695, 19:29 Published in United Kingdom Hungary by Nifty.

Good evening my fellow Spamicans.

First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you for a cordial election.

You have voiced your faith in me and elected me to be your Party President.

God damn it.

That means I have to do the congress list! Whoopee!

It was a very hard job organising this list of outstanding men and women into a formidable congress contingent, but I feel I have done justice. To those who don't make it this time, there are no hard feelings, and it was genuinely such a hard and weighted choice.

The Spamican Congress Pledge

We here at the Spamicans want to do all we can to increase the retention, enjoyment and opportunities of newer players. Therefore this month the top two spots on the Spamican congress list will be put aside for any members who wish to run that have never been in congress before.
This is well overdue - let’s start introducing a new generation of talent to positions of power. They're as keen and capable as anyone!

This is a pledge that I have fulfilled.

No. 1 AmazingBob. Recently returned to the game, I am honoured to offer this spot to the Amazing Bob!

No. 2 Kenny Stowton. Newer player but keen to get involved. I am proud to give these two players the opportunity to increase their experience.

No. 3 Sambo223. Former party president and freshly appointed Councillor of The Real Spamicans, Sambo will be looking to increasing our efforts into the Spamguard, and help work towards championing the people, as he has in the past, and will continue to in the future.

No. 4 Mr Woldy. Current Vice President of The Real Spamicans, former speaker of congress, and all around good guy. Mr Woldy will be a strong representative of the Spamicans in congress, as well as helping hold all of us to account with Quite possible the best monthly run down of congress stats around.

No. 5 Artela. Former eUK Citizen, recently returned to our hallowed grounds, and clearly she has great taste in parties. She was the subject of some controversy this month after the outgoing speaker asked her not to comment on the national feed, to which she responded by going as public as possible. She will be a strong voice for The Real Spamicans, and indeed, the eUK citizens this month in congress.

No. 6 Addaway. Once he returns from Glastonbury he is going to be filled with pure rage and energy, energy to promote and enact radical change! I cannot wait to see some of the ideas he has for congress this term.

No. 7 BetaFoxTrot. Current Minister for Education, he has been a dab hand in re writing all of the eUK guides the last few weeks and we here in the Real Spamicans could not be any prouder of him.

No. 8 Mr Immanuel Kant. It wouldn't be congress without the current sitting speaker, as well as TRS party spokesman. A loyal right hand man who has seen me through the thick and thin for many years now. I am sure he will uphold all of his congress duties to the highest honour and degree of competency.

No. 9 Rory Winterbourne II. Our resident Spamican artist and party secretary general. Rory is a strong voice to have as part of any party, and we are really lucky to call him ours.

No. 10 AMD. Yours truly. I pledged to champion TRS in the wider public and within congress, and I cannot do that from outside of congress. I thought this was a fair place to put myself on the list.

No. 11 Darkmantle. Another recent addition to eUK, and a returning figure nonetheless. Darkmantle has been quick to make his mark on the Real Spamicans and we have seen some of his work abroad in the eUSA, we cannot wait to see what he brings to the table!

No. 12 Judas H Christ. See above. Judas H Christ, another returning eUK citizen who has been off galivanting in the colonies. No stranger to the politics module, I feel Judas will be a vocal and hard working member of congress.

No. 13 Madacion. Current Minister for Foreign Affairs. Another hardworking member of government, we would be robbed of having his voice as one of our congress representatives.

No. 14 Spygon. Our Spamguard commander and loyal long term party member. Spygon will champion our military interests as well as the party.

We now reach the part of the list that I genuinely struggled with the amount of talent.

No. 15 Paul Tyndale. The Real Spamican's resident money man. Paul has already done a good job of holding the government's spending to account, and ultimately this is why I chose to put him higher up in the lower end of the list. He has admittedly some activity problems in the early part of the term, but will be a strong addition nonetheless.

No. 16 SichimDragos. Up the proletariat!

No. 17 Honoka1999. A promising young player who has recently returned to the game (Unlike Yigit Can Balta every month Keith...). If it weren't for my dedication to providing new players a first medal, Honoka would have been much higher up this list.

No. 18 Kapten Johnson. The Kapten himself. Long term eUK player, and will certainly provide a wealth of experience, given the amount of votes.

No. 19 Fataliix. It doesn't matter. Fata will be president next month.

Make Way for the Spamican Guard

We’re also excited to announce that the militant wing of the Spamican party is now up and running and accepting new members. It’s still early days but Spygon and the Spamican Guard can’t wait to accept active foot soldiers to throw their spam-grenades deep into training-enemy lines.

An active MU like this is a great way to get involved in the military side of the game and boost the eUKs impact on the battlefield whilst getting a nice community feeling. This is the best time ever to get involved in The Real Spamicans and we’ll welcome you with open arms to both the party and our new shiny MU.

Thank you for giving me your time, and please consider giving your vote to the Real Spamicans tomorrow! (Today)
