[shoi4CP] Mediocre Plans and Cloned Cabinets

Day 2,078, 20:20 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12
Table of Contents (Yes, it IS that long, and yes, it IS worth the read)
1. Intro
2. Foreign Stuff
3. Internal Stuff
4. Cabinet
5. Smilies and All That

Hey-o Canada o/

How's your day been? I hope that the hours of Crograde are serving you well ^.^

Canada is back on the map, and if I have anything to say about it, we'll be on the map for years to come. Anyway, my pal klop and I have been already planning the next month, and seeing what options we have, as well as our current cabinet's efforts today.

First off, to all the young childs, and GoWs of tomorrow, welcome to eRep! I don't know why you're here, but enjoy your stay! I would suggest that if you want to have lots of fun, come to IRC! Battles are won and lost, and regions come and go, but with great times talking with your fellow peers, there's never a dull moment 😃

Anyway, I was contemplating what to write for this article. There's still a few days left on the term, and I'm a bit torn. Part of me wants to get lots of stuff done while Pat is still in office, while the other part wants to work to set up party activities for the following month. And oh, boy, do we have stuff planned 😃

First off, plans. Obviously, as MoFA for all of recent memory, my experience and strong point is in external affairs. And on that note, I have plenty of things that are on the table, and many possibilities for the new month. Let's take a look, shall we?

The first matter is the airstrike module. Canada, we've never used this. Frankly, for most of its existence, we've never had a chance. Hi Spain 🙂 Well, we have lands for the first time in a long time, and although I have no idea why, some idiots donors filled up the requirement, lo and behold, we have airstrike. Pretty pretty shiny shiny button 😳 So yeah, it's worth taking a look at what we can do there. A couple ideas being fired out already, but rest assured, we ain't doing nothing without planning every step of the way. We ain't wasting this golden ticket.

On a related note, my lovely VP (more on this below) suggested a form of guerrilla fighting called SPF, and it seems to have loads of potential. I will take a look at this and see whether it can be utilized properly, or if it doesn't match well in practice.

Now, let's look at our own country. We've tried negotiating with Spain intensely the last couple of months, but it hasn't really worked out. At this point, many players are hesitant to trust the Spanish government, and work out a deal. However, obviously, a peaceful, respectful settlement should always be an option. I'll talk to the new Spanish government, and see whether their terms and conditions are acceptable. Til then, the RWs will come, even if just for activity.

Toss in an MPP list for the hell of it. Of course, nothing is set in stone, and new opportunities will surely arise from time to time, and affect our goals. However, as a general guideline, I'm aiming not necessarily for the strongest countries, but to those that hold the strongest friendship to us. Damage is nice and shiny, but it doesn't mean crap if they don't fight for us. Loyal friends hold on throughout the trials and tribulations (cue Phoenix Wright music), and we can't forget about that. There are obvious nations like our Asgard brothers, Russia, USA, Croatia, Ireland, and so on and so forth. There's a good amount of money in the country coffers, and we can branch out into various directions and support our various allies, but remember: we cannot waste cash. Save some for a rainy day. Who knows what will happen, and what brother we will need help from or need to support?

Speaking of a brother, I love the Netherlands. Frankly, it's ludicrous why such a great ally is still not amongst us. That's why as CP, I will campaign for Netherlands' entry into Asgard. I'm sorry, my Dutch friends, for the long delay. But you deserve to be one of us. No promises, but I will lobby for you best I can.

Oh, you thought you were done reading? Of course not! That ain't my style xD

So, foreign affairs, you get the gist of it. But a great nation is stable within first, non? So what can you hope to see?

There's been times where eCanada pursued a national MU. Frankly, there was no real point, though. However, now that MUs can pay mercenaries to deal damage, wouldn't it be simpler to feed cash to a national, centralized MU, and then use that to buy damage everywhere? It sounds quite nice and efficient. As CP, I'll take a look at it. Might as well, right? What's the harm 😃

As for communication, I've grown quite fond of the system that the last few presidents have used. Simply, a PM for the cabinet, a PM for the MUs and coordination, and a general veteran PM for general discussions. It may be nice to toss in PM for congress, but the idea holds. It's solid, and I like it. Don't fix what ain't broken, and there ain't nothing gone awry around these here parts. ...yeah I'll stop 😣""

You made it this far. Here, have an ice cream cone!

mmm sweet sweet mediocrity

Alright, did you grab your sugary delicacy and carbonated beverage?

Now, what's next? Have you noticed the sad, sad truth? The country rescinded a bit during its months of occupation. That's a travesty, frankly. We need our numbers. Now, a baby boom movement? That will take time and planning, so it will happen only if the time is right. I will not waste precious resources and breaths on something done half-heartedly. However, what we need to do is not simply to bring new players in, but to keep them. Retention, my friends. Retention. I'm requesting an active player who uses IRC to help me with this. We can set up programs where players can see how much fun IRC is, in addition to all the goody sweepstakes and baby support that is crucial. Retention, my friends. Retention. I noticed a couple hundred players joining our midst, and we won't keep all of them. I know that. But let's extend a hand, and help our younglings see the joy to be had in this game (not said facetiously).

And lastly, communication. Lots of CPs make one big mistake. I see all the work, stress, blood, sweat, and tears that they put in this game. Yet, they get yelled at for not doing anything. Are they lazy? No, of course not. But are they simply being trolled? Perhaps to a degree, but there's a reason for dissent. Many people, I've noticed, don't let their fellow man know what's going on. How can a leader expect a great public without feedback? You aren't puppets to be used, and I'm just one of you. I can't expect you to know more than I tell you. So while I can't guarantee daily feedback (oh I wish I could promise this), I'm gonna say hi as much as I can. With news or not, you'll know that I'm here, I'm working, and I'm just one of you. Cuz dammit, I can't win on my own. Not even GoW 🙁

Made it this far? Sweet! You are the one percent! \o/

Alright, so my cabinet! This is fun 😃

CP - moi!~ \o/ (fabulous~~~)
VP - Mary-chan
MoFA - klop123
MoD - I-Bleed-Blue93/TheSmoke
MoF - Chochi (TheSocialistChicken as deputy)

Hmm...summary? The best gal in eCan (by default?) as my right-hand (wo)man, klop as my MoFA since we blackmailed each other into working for each other, IBB and Smokey for being the finest in the business, Chochi for being the wise owl and TSC his little owl chick that will do his bidding (re: whipping boy). Anything else? Um...let's have a party! \o/

I am looking for a good man (or woman) to help me out with the retention business. This will involve IRCing, being active and the community, and helping to organize fundraisers and various activities. Job is paid! ...well, paid in gratitu- okay not even that. But please? :3

Also, I will need a couple of folks to be our representatives to Asgard! If you're interested in meeting some of the coolest people in the world and the Finns too, feel free to ask for a spot! Canada is also in charge of choosing the Supreme Commander this month, so any recommendation is helpful. The latter will take a little more experience, but feel free to apply. I'll take active and young over wise but zombified, so anyone with an active and passionate mind can work the job and learn on the go 🙂

Also, I will need one thing from you, my Canadian friends. Remember, we are all brothers (and Mary-chan) in arms. We fight for one another, with one another, and in spite of one another, for ourselves, our friends, our allies, and our country. I love criticism. But keep it classy, my friends. And I mean that especially for my cabinet members *leers* Show that we are the better nation, the better people, the superior race, and all that rhetoric...where have I heard this before...

Anyway, that's all for me! If you're interested in helping our nation out, or have an idea, send me a message! 🙂

We can do this Canada! For the True North!

TL😉R Awesome plans, awesome cabinet, awesome people

From Mazzy to Canada. I want this cat.
And by the way, shoutout to Mazzy_Cat for being the awesomest kitty ever and sharing her page breaks with me. I love you 😘

Until next time, take care!

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