[Sambo4CP] The Alternative Run

Day 3,021, 08:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

Dear eUK Citizens,

I am writing today to announce my candidacy in the March 2016 eUK Country President Elections. Now I've been CP before and I did rather well. I was the last CP to have actually had to press the buttons which keep us alive and fought off a 3 way invasion after kicking out a previous occupier. I also righted the chequebook and ignited debates. Today though I'm running very differently. My first CP run was by the book so to speak. I run under the banner of a top 5 party and I had the standard policies and followed the current constitution which is fine and I have no problem with it. However, I want to give the eUK something different this time, not only to excite myself but also to create some debate in the eUK and hopefully light a rocket under some people not pulling their weight in this community.

I, Sambo of 223, officially declare that if I win the election I will take it as a mandate to run the eUK without the need for congress approval. I will be able to carry out what I deem best for the eUK without a vote by the elected officials. Of course the dictator will still be in place to protect the eUK from me doing anything stupid. Why am I looking to do this?

- Firstly, I want a bit of fun, I want to have the final say in the countries affairs.

- Secondly, I want to give congress a wake up call, I want to see if people are fed up by their inactively and relevance in the hope that when there powers are restored they start to look more like a useful unit. Of course my main worry is that a month of no power could kill them off completely (no noes 😉 ). Therefore I will still use congress messages to seek council and advise which I will then be able to act on if me or my cabinet want too.

- Finally, I want to do some things that congress might not agree to that I feel is best for the country. And while I know that some/most/all of you may completely disagree with this I want to give it a shot and if I don't get elected then no harm is done.

So I think that's everything covered. Obviously I don't want to interrupt the big parties desicions so will run under the banner of my own independent party. Come check it out for some banter: https://www.erepublik.com/en/party/sambo-4-cp-party-5014/1

If you agree with the idea of changing things up and giving me some power for the month (because I did well with total power last time remember) I'll promise to make it fun and active and give it too those Frenchies. I'll be asking PPs to run me in their primaries and would love any supporters to let their party members know where the change is at.

So remember:

Yours sincerely,

Radical CP Candidate

Kicking congress aside (aka: sending Dapper over the edge)