[Sambo4CP] Okay let's be serious now

Day 3,025, 20:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

Hello, so it turns out I actually want to run for CP. Who'd have thought it. Look I've written an article about ignoring congress and it picked up the debate I wanted and added Dapper banter:

There's more but I cba copy and pasting it all right now

Let's be honest though. I can't get rid of congress if I win the election, the constitution gives them power and I'm fine with that (too an extent 😉 ).

So because I'm now actually free to run this month here's a brief 5 point plan of what I'll do if elected (with the help of congress, the constitution and Woldy):

1. I will use all my contacts in PLUTO and our wider allies to fight back against As(s)teria in Europe and for the freedom of our great eUK. The new HQ of PLUTO has already proven itself far more active and willing to organise itself and I hope to take advantage of that to finally get things in motion rather than waiting and hoping something happens.

2. I will provide COs for important UK battles. The current eUK government has not provided any money towards our battles this month which gives us no chance at all. Obviously I won't go overboard on spending and I think I proved during my first CP term that I was reliable with money. I will also know which MUs are German owned ones using the MoD name and know which MoD MUs actually have COs set 😛

3. I will set up strike teams of eUK fighters that are active and willing to help our allies. This will act as 2 positives, a) It will allow us to show our allies our commitment to their cause and b) allow us more control over where the eUKs damage is dealt so none is wasted. This won't be a set MU but rather a mass PM of willing, active fighters who want to help the eUK and her allies in important battles. A Foreign Legion so to speak.

4. No referendums. People got all pissy about that and I'd rather avoid the mess it created. With a top cabinet team, advisors and congress vote I'll carry out what I feel is best for the country because the population will have democratically elected me into power to make the hard decisions.

5. Banter. Cos it is a game after all

Hope you all enjoyed that. Obviously people might be confused after the last #Sambo4CP article so if they're are any questions then feel free to ask me. Although if you're called Prince Harry. and claiming I'm some sort of evil devil being thing then stop being so stupid and recognise all the hard work I've put into helping the eUK and in your own words:

Here's to a successful election,

Actual CP Candidate

Emerging from the 'banter run' like: