[Sambo] What Happens Now?

Day 2,665, 05:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223


So I thought I write an article explaining the last few days from the perspective of the one guy who beat Wayne before.

I mean I didn't win either but look at little tiny Wayne with only six votes. To be fair though little Wayne has done quite well for himself and I feel my destruction of him in that election in March 2012 has helped forge the glorious dictator we have today.

For those of you that are confused let me explain what has happened. I am Sambo an e😜layer with not much importance. I've held a couple roles here and there mainly in the MoD and then I quit the game for a bit. For the last couple of months though I've been hiding under the cover of Billy Randall. That was until I got bored and revealed myself.

So now I'm back I've decided to cause as much havoc as possible. This someone truly of dictator quality on the throne I have decided to use my powers to drag back an opponent. It wasn't hard though BigAnt is easily persuaded. Although in a lovely twist not even his old group of evil misfits have decided to back him. This disappoints me as most likely BA will drift back to eDeath and will be remembered as a coward and a thief until in a couple months time we forget about him completely and carry on with our lives.

This means though that Wayne is sitting their with a fight for his throne. Mainly because Huey and his band of shocking cabinet members are:

a) MIA - The congress PM (not to be confused with the dictator PM) was dead for 19 hours until CC decided to put a random comment in it.

b) Incompetent - They have no plans set in place for what to do for this country if they ever turn up.

c) Humourless - Unlike the opposition of the past they lack the charisma and intellect to truly make things interesting and then eventually fail. (I'm following the theory that Dapper is putting on an act with his insanity).

Now seen as though no one is willing to stand up for democracy and I rather like dictatorship right now I shall be using my rebranded newspaper to offer input into the much needed and long awaited discussions in the dictatorship PM.

So with all that said and done I'll fuck off now until I can be bothered to write again. Please drop this a few votes and give it a sub cos I've been stuck on 10 for ages.
