[RL IRE] Same-Sex Marriage Referendum!

Day 2,716, 12:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tara C
*Update😛 Day 2,717, April 29th, 1😇0 eRep time.

Hey guys,
This is just a message about what's happening in RL Ireland right now!

We have a same-sex marriage referendum coming up on May 22nd!

It is so important that this vote passes. Well it's important to myself and many other LGBTQ+ people in Ireland. I have yet to see a relevant argument for the "No" campaign.
If it doesn't pass this time around, I don't believe there will be another same-sex marriage referendum in Ireland in my lifetime, unfortunately. Hopefully I'm wrong in saying that.

I don't see how this referendum passing would affect anyone that is straight in a harmful way.
Because it doesn't.

The only people this referendum passing would affect is the LGBTQ+ community.
Vote yes, and help make the LGBTQ+ community better, happier, and equal.

Give us the right to marry. Give us equality.
We don't want just a civil partnership, we want the right to marry the people we love, just like straight people have the right to do.

Civil Partnership doesn't have all the same laws as Marriage does, obviously. So for same-sex couples it's not great. Unfortunately a lot of people are unaware of the differences between a Civil Partnership and a Marriage.

There are over 160 legal differences between marriage as defined in Irish law and civil partnerships as defined in Irish law.
The differences are outlined here:
Missing Pieces

This is an extract from Get Informed -
"Some people may ask what the difference between civil partnership and civil marriage is. Others may believe that civil partnerships are the same as marriage, but using a slightly different term. And still others may feel that same sex couples should be happy to have their relationships recognised and validated by the State, even if it is not through civil marriage.

The fact is, loving, committed relationships between two consenting adults should be treated equally, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Same sex couples should be allowed to share the same responsibilities, obligations and respect that marriage provides.

It makes no sense to exclude loving couples already doing the work of marriage in their daily lives – supporting one another, raising families, etc – from the legal structure intended to reinforce that dedication, those meanings, and – at its heart – commitment and love."

Yes those posters are really up around Ireland.

But thankfully, the Yes posters have finally started going up since Saturday.

This one means "Our day will come"

I really hope and encourage any/all of the RL Irish people on here, to vote yes. And I hope that you are all registered!

You have until May 5th to register to vote, so if you're not, please do!

On May 22nd, we are voting on whether “Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex", nothing to do with children.

Children can ALREADY legally be raised and/or adopted by same-sex parents.
The NO campaign is essentially relying on irrelevant emotional blackmail. That law passed a few weeks ago, so please just forget about the children here. The referendum is about Same-sex Marriage.

In fact, allowing same-sex civil partnerships to become marriages will offer further rights and protection to children adopted into these families, so just think about what's ACTUALLY the better vote for the children; if they're really your main concern.

Just a friendly reminder that marriage is not the same as holy matrimony and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with religion.

Open your minds and use your brains people. Get out and vote yes on May 22nd.

"For anyone who believes our referendum should not be passed on a religious basis, I direct you MY COMMENTS (AoifeNiBhriain) on RTK's article:

RTK's Article

You may find something new out."

I would like to also apologise for my comment here : "I don't see why anyone would vote no for this referendum, unless they're just narrow minded and/or homophobic or uneducated in the matter." I have since removed it from above and replaced it with "I have yet to see a relevant argument from the "No" campaign."

The only reason I said what I said was because I believe that that's who the no voters are. Narrow minded in the sense that they don't want to see anything but a man and woman together. Homophobic in the sense that they think two people of the same sex are disgusting. Uneducated in the matter because they don't really understand the difference between a marriage and a civil partnership, and they think this involves children.

So I'm sorry if you got hurt by what I said, but those "Vote No" posters hurt me, and I have to walk around my town(and anywhere else in Ireland) and see them on every other lamp post, telling me that I shouldn't be allowed to have the same rights as most of my friends in marrying the person they love if they want to, I wouldn't even have the choice. That hurts me.

I know I shouldn't have done the whole "They did it first" thing, but I just got worked up and let it show.

Ireland's time has come to move forward in a positive way.

Make your vote count on May 22nd.

Show your support by shouting, commenting, and voting!

In honour of this law, let me know in the comments who has had same-sex eMarriages and who you are or were eMarried to!