[ORION] Weekly Damage Report

Day 3,223, 07:28 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ


today, we bring you another episode of ORION Weekly damage report. Since most of the member countries are in a war (either real or training one), we consider it important to review our strength and highlight some of our best warriors. Please bear in mind that Plato still hasn't introduced a way how to compare damage done in aircraft module - so it is impossible to track the contributions of brave ORION pilots. However, we do not forget their service, and we will give them a separate article in the future 😉 .

The first pie chart shows the total damage done by all ORION countries. As we can see, Lithuania and France are dominanting this chart, contributing with of our total damage.

The second graph compares average damage per citizen for each country, in comparison with ORION total average. As usual, Lithuania is absolute winner in this category, with Cuba holding second position, staying slightly under the average for this week. Netherlands is the only country not involved in any direct war, so that's probably the reason why they occupy the last place this week.

The next picture shows TOP10 ORION players in each division. Some interesting things to note - For the first time ever, Canada was able to get two representatives in D1 and one in D2, so they are stepping up their game in lower divisions. And majority of Cuban damage apparently comes from D3, where most of their TOP players are located.

That's all for today. If you have any idea how to improve this Damage Report, let me know. My time is limited, but I will do my best to try to implement your ideas.

Janty F