
Day 2,622, 05:24 Published in China China by efni



Resource Wars

http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/latest-updates/0/204 无头鸡又更新了……

Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the most resourceful of them all?


As you might know, we asked your opinions about shuffling the resources on the Forum in December. As some of you noted, a random shuffle of the resources could end up so that some countries get a significant advantage over others purely out of good luck. We believe that good luck has to be earned!

In Resource Wars event countries will have a chance to win resources for their historical (core) regions. The resources of the New World will be re-distributed based on the country's military performance and diplomatic efforts during the event.
在Resource War时期各国都有机会为本国(原国土)赢得资源。资源分配的机会可以从军事(打赢)和外交(别国赠予)中得到。

Each country will be able to select and prioritize resources they want for each of the country's historical (core) regions. The responsibility of the selection will fall on the shoulders of the President.

Selection itself is not enough, as the country also has to win the resource. There is a limited amount of resources available (the list can be found at the bottom of this post), so careful planning and good strategic decisions are required if you are to succeed in the future.

Resource selection

Starting now, and during the Resource Wars event, countries will be able to choose the resources they'd like to have on their historical (core) regions (with the exception of the historical capital region). The President will arrange the resources in the order of importance, so the one they want the most comes first et cetera. The selection will be done by the President on a special page under the My Country menu. The page can be viewed by everyone. While the President is technically fully in charge of the selection, it's obviously recommended to discuss and plan the selection carefully with the government, Congress and allies of the country.

All the historical capitals of all countries will have a food resource which cannot be changed. The resource for all historical capitals will be Fish, as it's the most common resource of the New World.

All the historical (core) regions are listed on the selection page, and have a default selection based on the rarity of the resource. The President will be able to change the selection at any point during the event. Resources which were already won with Resource Tokens during the event cannot be changed afterwards.

When the country gets its first Resource Token (read more about how below), it will be assigned to the first region picked by the President. The first resource picked by the President on the list will be selected, assuming it's still available. If the resource is no longer available (all of them were taken by other countries already), the second resource on the list will be picked and so on.
拿到一个Resource Token之后,将自动按照囧统设置的列表分配给第一顺位地区的第一备选资源。如果某种资源被被人抢光了那就选第二备选资源,如此类推。

这里送囧统视角的图一张,可见葡萄牙已经拿到两个Resource Token也选好两种资源了,下面要把里斯本从鱼改成麦(擦,首都不是不能改么?)

President's view of the selection screen. On this example, 2 Resource Tokens were used by Portugal on Azores and Algarve. The next region on the list is Lisboa and the first priority as a resource is set to be Grain.

How can a country gain resources?

In short, there are 3 ways to gain resources:
1. Country wins a Resource Token from a campaign and it's used for a region according to the list made by the President
1. 打赢一场对战获得一个Resource Token然后自动使用;
2. Country receives a Resource Token as a donation from another country which already had new resources on all of their regions
2. 设置好所有国土还有多的国家,能把Resource Token赠送给别国;
3. Country spends Event Points to bid for a Resource Token in a Bidding Phase at the end of Resource Wars
3. 花Event Point拍得Resource Token

The final way to get resources is after the event ends, during the Bidding Phase. When all the Resource Tokens and Event Points have been spent, the remaining resources will be distributed to the remaining regions. The country with the lowest amount of Country Power will get the first picks, and this will be continued until every region has a resource.
如果到最后,Resource Token和Event Point都用完了还有部分资源没分配的话,那就从最弱的国家开始发剩下的资源咯。

The amount of regions and resources is unchanged, so no region will be left without a resource.

Resource Tokens

Resource Tokens are used to obtain a resource to one of the historical (core) regions of the country. When a country gains a Resource Token, it's automatically used on the first prioritized region in the list made by the President. If resources have already been assigned to all the regions of the country, the President has the possibility to donate a Resource Token to another country.
Resource Token这货是给本国原国土分配资源地用的。就像前面说的,按囧统设置的地区和备选资源顺序自动分配。如果已经把所有资源地都设满了,多得的Resource Token可以由囧统donate给别的国家哟。

Resource Tokens are gained by winning a campaign in a direct fight between 2 countries. Defending a Resistance War won't give either of the countries Resource Tokens, but liberating a region in a Resistance War does give one for the country which liberated a region. Airstrikes are counted as normal campaigns so the winner will get a Resource Token.
两国正面交战,赢的可以得到一个Resource Token。守起义成功是没有的,但是起义国解放国土是可以得到Resource Token的。空袭也可以给获胜国发Resource Token。

1. France liberates a region from Serbian occupation in a Resistance War. France gets 1 Resource Token.
1. 我国解放北京,可得一个Resource Token;
2. France fails to liberate a region from Serbian occupation in a Resistance War. Neither side gets Resource Tokens.
2. 我国没解放北京,没有Resource Token发谢谢;
3. Bulgaria attacks a Hungarian region and loses the campaign 80-96. Hungary gets a Resource Token, as they won the campaign.
3. 克克在我国国土打土鸡输了,土鸡得一个Resource Token。

Resource Tokens are used automatically the moment one is received. They are used according to the list prepared by the President. The only exception to this is when the country already has all resources for all regions. In this case, the Resource Tokens are kept and can later be donated to another country by the President. When a Resource Token is donated to another country, it will automatically be spent according to the priorities set by the President of the receiving country.
对了,Resource Token是自动生效的,除非多到用不了需要送,那就是被赠予的国家收到时即时生效。

Event Points

Event Points are received when a side loses a campaign in a direct battle between two countries, or successfully defends a Resistance War. 1 Campaign Point equals 1 Event Point. A campaign ends when one side reaches 94 Campaign Points.
Event Point是给对战打输或者守起义成功的国家的安慰奖,在战役结束后计算得分,1个得分=1个Event Point。所以对战打输的国家能得到小于94的Event Point,守起义成功的国家能得到大于等于94的Event Point。

Event Points can be spent at the end of the event (see schedule below) to bid for Resource Tokens in the Bidding Phase.
Event Point是等Resource War打完在拍卖期用来竞拍Resource Token的。

Event Points cannot be transferred to another country.
Event Point就不能送了。

Bidding Phase

The Bidding Phase happens at the end of the main event, so more information will follow later. Here's the basic idea explaine😛

At the end of the event, countries which didn't get enough Resource Tokens to secure their selections for the historical (core) regions can spend Event Points to bid for resources on specific regions. If two countries bid the same amount of Event Points on their regions, the order will be determined by the Country Power. The country with less Country Power will have a priority.
The bidding is done for regions, not for a specific resource. For example, USA can bid 50 EP on Alaska, 25 EP on Texas and 25 EP on South Carolina. If a smaller country with less Country Power also bids 25 EP on some regions, they will receive a resource according to their list before USA.
你们都不擦卡,肯定有一堆小破国一输到底啥资源都抢不到,所以无头大鸡有大量,让你们用Event Point抢没人要的资源。方法是各国把EP分配给没资源的地区,然后全球按EP排序,哪个地区EP高就能拿走还有货的第一顺位资源。如果两个地区出价一样,弱国先拿。


Day 2,621 07:00 eRepublik time - The specifications of Resource Wars are published and countries can start preparing their lists.
Day 2,625 00:00 eRepublik time - Resource Wars event starts and campaigns started after this moment will award Resource Tokens and Event Points.
下周二(01.27 15:00)开打
Day 2,638 23:59 eRepublik time - Resource Wars event stops. Campaigns ending after this moment won't award Resource Tokens or Event Points.
下周六(01.31 14:59)打完,如果战役没结束就不发了。
Day 2,639 0:00 eRepublik time - The Bidding Phase starts and lasts for 2 days.
下周六(01.31 15:00)开始拍卖
Day 2,640 23:59 eRepublik time - The Bidding Phase ends.
Day 2,640 - Remaining resources are assigned to remaining regions.
Day 2,642 - The latest possible day when the new resources are added.
Please notice that the schedule, especially towards the end, is subject to changes. Stay tuned for updates!

The list of resources
The amount of resources will remain the same. Here is the list of industries and the amount of resources available:

Food industry
- Deer, 29
- Grain, 53
- Cattle, 67
- Fruits, 80
- Fish, 84 (74个首都都是鱼所以只有10个可分配)

Weapon industry
- Rubber, 17
- Saltpeter, 25
- Oil, 30
- Aluminium, 39
- Iron, 53

House industry
- Granite, 7
- Limestone, 14
- Clay, 21
- Wood, 23
- Sand, 32

Questions & Answers

Q: All the core regions of my country are currently occupied. Does my President still get to choose the resources for these regions?
A: Yes! All the resources for the regions are picked by the original owner country's President, no matter who currently has control over the regions.

Q: If a President doesn't select any resources for any regions, what will happen?
A: In this case, the default selection will apply.

Q: My country has all the resources already, and it has some extra Resource Tokens. However, we're feeling selfish and we don't want to help anyone. Are we forced to donate them?
A: No, the country is not forced to donate Resource Tokens.
Q:Resource Token太多能不送出么?

For questions, comments and feedback, please visit the Forum. We will keep the Q&A section updated according to your questions!