[MoW] Weekly Report

Day 945, 02:15 Published in Austria Austria by BundesPresseDienst
Austrian Ministry of Welfare

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All state run companies are up and provide jobs for the people. As you read in an earlier article the government only offers jobs till the new citizens reach skill 2 so don’t hesitate if you get fired. Take the chance and look for a nice, well paid job with low Q. To help you I wrote an article about The Job Market.
The Wellness Program is running well and so far 700 gifts have been distributed to citizens in need. If you are a citizen with low wellness contact the Ministry of Labor for lvl 10+ or the Rotes Kreuz for lower lvl.

Alle staatlichen Firmen produzieren wieder und können den Bürgern Jobs anbieten. Wie ihr in einem früheren Artikel lesen konnten bietet die Regierung nur Jobs für Leute unter Skill 2 an. Also wundert euch bitte nicht wenn ihr gekündigt werdet sondern nutzt diese Gelegenheit und sucht euch einen netten, gut bezahlten Job mit geringer Q. Um euch bei der Suche zu helfen habe ich einen Artikel über den Arbeitsmarkt geschrieben.
Das Wellness Programm läuft sehr gut und bisher wurden 700 Gifts and die Bevölkerung ausgegeben. Falls du ein Bürger mit geringer Wellness bist melde dich bitte beim Arbeitsministerium für lvl 10+ oder dem Roten Kreuz für geringere lvl.

I Austrian State Weapon

http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/4526/penweapon.jpg" />

Week June 21st - June 27th
Workers: 10 (9) (+-0/+1)
Products: 890 (+73)
Production: 16,59 (+2,29)

II Austrian State Gifts

http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/5194/pengift.jpg" />

Week June 21st - June 27th
Workers: 10 (7) (+-0/-1)
Products: 454 (+107)
Production: 60,9 (+2,8😎

III Austrian State Grain

http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7575/pengrain.jpg" />

Week June 21st - June 27th
Workers: 11 (11) (+2/+5)
Products: 370 (+95)
Production: 35,39 (+10,11)

IV Austrian State Food

http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/2181/penfood.jpg" />

Week June 21st - June 27th
Workers: 16 (16) (+6/+6)
Products: 740 (-197)
Production: 42,6 (-16,1)

V Monetary Market

http://www.silber-depot.de/media/images/thumb/gold-phili-vs-300x300.jpg" />

Exchange rates (diff with last week)
Gol😛 99,99ATS (+1,473)
ATS: 0,012 g (+1)

Minister of Welfare

Workers: Workers at the beginning of the week (active workers) ***Active = worked in the last 3 days***
Products: Products stored in the company
Production: Actual production of active workers