[MoIA] Family Register Roleplay Project

Day 2,243, 15:32 Published in Japan Japan by William of Edenbury

Hello everyone o/

Today I would like to debut the first part of a joint MoIA and MoCH roleplay project that we have been working on for quite a while, the koseki 戸籍, or Family Register.

Some of you are already aware of it due to the initial testing we have done, but with this announcement the project is now moving out of the testing phase and into full implementation. This means that now every citizen of our country can apply to officially form a family. What I mean by officially is that our Government (the MoIA and MoCH in particular) will permanently record and recognize your family.

The primary function of the Family Register is for fostering a sense of community and encouraging renewed activity in our country, but it will also serve as a base for a series of roleplay reforms that will be attached to it in the future (there'll be more on the new roleplay concepts farther down the page).

Requirements to form a Family

There are two very basic requirements

1) Two players must agree to enter the family

2) Only living citizens can become part of the family (No trying to claim dead accounts)

How to register the Family

In order to register your family, please fill out the following form:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Here is the form
In order to fill out the form, please think about the following questions:

What is your family name?
Japanese names are encouraged and you may use Kanji

Who Leads your Family?
This can be a Family Head, Family Council or any other leadership format

How does your family accept new members?
The family head accepts them, they must get a 50% approval from your family members, etc.

What is the system of succession in case of your Family Head's eDeath?

What must happen in order for your family to change any of its rules?

What is your family's procedure for member expulsion?

Extra Notes

1)Family members are free to leave a family at any time, they are just asked to give the Minister of Culture and History a heads up so that they can change the records accordingly

2)In case of eMarriage, Spouses will be noted on both eFamily trees

3)Foreign Citizens can register as a part of a family, but they will have an extremely limited ability to affect future roleplay on the part of the family.

4)National Laws Always take precedence over a Family's internal laws

How will the registry work on the government level?

The Family Registry is a joint project between the MoIA and MoCH so the responsibilities will be shared. The MoIA is tasked with gathering the information from each family (which is why the form is being presented by me). The MoCH is tasked with maintaining the records of each family after its registration in the Kyushu Library on the National Forums

Once the family is fully registered and their information recorded in the Kyushu Library, the records there will be the basis for any future roleplay or legal activities. So that is why it asked that each family make sure to check their records every once in a while and make sure that everything has been updated to what is currently going on in your family.

Future Roleplay Projects

Before I go into the actual projects we are thinking about, let me explain our procedure for introducing them.

Step 1:
The first step of course is to develop the project. In the future we will be doing this based on feedback from the previous project releases.

Step 2:
Next, the project will go through a volunteer based testing phase. This will help us get the kinks out of the system before it is released to the public and will make sure the project is actually enjoyable to play. It is possible for a project to be completely scrapped at this phase if it proves to be too complex to play or just not something that our citizens want.

Step 3:
After the project has gone through a satisfactory amount of testing, then comes the Public Debut. This is the phase that the Family Register project has reached. At this phase the project is introduced for general play among the citizens of our country.

Step 4:
This is the final step for a project in which it is given a period of time for everyone to get used to it and no other "expansions" can be deployed. This makes sure everyone is familiar with the game play for the last released project before anything new comes out.

And now the actual projects we are considering in the future.

Family Esteem
This will be an attachment to the family/Clan system that will allow for everyone to compete by gathering "Esteem" points. The exact range of activities for gathering esteem points is still being considered, but some already accepted activities include being elected to a government office and becoming an officer in a Military Unit. This project is based on the idea that a family which has members in important positions or does something extraordinary will gather respect for itself.

Daimyo System
Our version of a playable Daimyo system will be based on the previous two Family and Esteem projects. However, the system is in its infancy right now so it has a lot of kinks and it is competing with a Military based Daimyo system being discussed in Congress. That means it may not actually come about, but we are still developing it as we can use the individual parts to create other roleplay systems. This system is initially based on Family Esteem. Meaning that the families that have the highest esteem will be in a natural position to declare themselves Daimyo of a region. After the game gets going though, numerous options become available for both deposing the sitting Daimyos and for the Daimyo's to entrench themselves through alliances and hiring mercenary families.

And those are the projects being considered in the future. Don't be too worried about rushing your understanding of any one project though, there will be a large gap in time between each release to make sure everyone is comfortable with each project.

So now that the announcement is finished, start forming your families o/

~William of Edenbury, MoIA & MoE