[MoHA] Weekly Press Release and Caption Competition

Dia 3,813, 08:08 Publicado em United Kingdom Reino Unido por eUK Home Office

Weekly Press Release - Sunday 29/04/2018.

Afternoon all, welcome to this weeks press release with updates from Ministers and the weekly caption competition at the end.

It’s a good idea to subscribe to this paper to follow the updates and games published by the MoHA.

Ministerial updates

Prime Minister/FA - Jamesw:
“MoFA - The world has been full of wars, and on the whole it's generally been quite positive for our side. USA has tried to release itself by taking advantage of various RWs, but our allies in Bulgaria and Lithuania have managed to overcome the sporadic resistance. The main focus of the world has been in the Baltics, with Argentina and Chile on one side, vs Estonia, Russia and Bulgaria on the other. As things stand it's looking quite positive for our side, and both should be removed in the coming days. Other than that, as per usual more of my time is spent explaining things to the government of our allies, but apart from that things remain smooth!

CP - We're in the final stages of a lot of our domestic things, so over the coming days you should be able to see the fruits of almost 6 weeks of labour in this regard. It's been a slog, and at times it's frustrating to have so much up in the air, but i'll be glad to have all of this finalised and sorted as soon as possible. In defence, our rewards continue to encourage both young and old players to prioritise air battles, whilst at the same time offering rewards for ground players to continue to increase their damage too. Our TW is still on shaky ground, but, hopefully further talks will fix that, which I've begun in earnest today. If we do end up losing it, it will be a shame, but, we have done without them in the past, and can do without them again in the future. A month fighting just for our allies would be absolutely fine in my book, but we'll see. Huey has also released quite an interesting read, which I encourage you to take a look at here: erepublik.com/en/article/2670391

Minister of Finance - Huey George & Spite:
“The MoF has continued with the recording our daily snapshots of the economy eUK to add to the long-term records and managing our Government and BoE Trust Monetary Market Investments.

In addition, The Ministry of Finance has been recording a daily snapshot of the economy eUK since Day 2,770. This data includes the eUK average wage, the prices of Q5 food, Q7 weapons, Q1 Houses and Q1 Air to Air Missiles, Gold price and CC exchange rate.

Based on some recent interest in the base data which supports the market conditions graphics in the Ministry of Finance's Routine Public Reporting via our Bank of England - Financial Reports.

I've decided to make this data open to see if the value of this data can be further utilised


Minister of Defence - Dave Trenga:
“Business as usual for MoD. Keeping up with the rewards program. Releasing some Battle orders. And National Strike held on Saturday 16.00 - 19.00 British time”

Minister of Home Affairs - Mr Woldy:
“Guides are still coming along and games are ticking over, it’s going to be a slow week in the MoHA due to real life commitments of a couple of us but otherwise things are business as usual Great Scott is taking a brief respite whilst my real life gets annoyingly busy but should be up and running again by next week.

In the meantime do check out WayneKerr's Steam giveaway. It's a private initiative unconnected to the MoHA, but is worth advertising. You can get your hands on an actual PC game via steam - well worth a go!

Caption Competition!

Last weeks caption contest was won by … no one! No eUK’ers contributed. Obviously Ms May is held in too high regard...

This week we shall caption this in order to win the coveted 1k GBP (in stark contrast to last weeks entry):

Remember, simply by contributing a caption you can win up to £1,000 GBP!

Give it a go, there are no wrong answers!

Remember to help the MoHA’s media presence - shout this article to your parties, MU’s and friends!
Thanks for reading,
Mr Woldy.