[MoFA PERU] [EN/ES] Acuerdo con Indonesia / Agreement with Indonesia

Day 2,800, 01:02 Published in Peru Peru by Republica del ePeru


After some days of conversations and with the colaboration of Demon war, we get to this common points for Peru and Indonesia:

- Peru will release Java and Lesser Sunda Island.
- Peru wont send NE or Dow to Indonesia. Indonesia wont send NE or dow to Peru and wont fight in any RW opened in other indonesian region.
- In case an AS would be launched against Indonesia free regions or Indo would receive any NE law of other country, Peru will defend Indonesia.
- Both countries are opened to make a TW in case there were a contest, tournament or a special plato event. Both governments should agree before.
-In case Queensland (australia) would be free, Indonesia will send NE law to Australia, before Peru will release Papua for that procedure.
- Peru will pay to Indonesia treasure 40k cc monthly.


Luego de varios dias de conversaciones en grupos de wa y gracias a la colaboracion de Demon War, hemos llegado a puntos de concordancia entre Peru e Indonesia.

- Peru liberará las regiones de Java y Lesser Sunda Islands.
- Peru no tirará NE o declaración de guerra a Indonesia. De forma analoga Indonesia no tirará NE o Dow a Peru ni luchara contra las RW que se abran en otras regiones indonesias.
- En caso haya un AS contra Indonesia (en sus regiones liberadas) o Indonesia reciba un NE de un tercer pais, Peru defenderá Indonesia.
- Ambos paises estan abiertos a tener TW en caso haya concursos torneos o cualquier evento de Plato, previa coordinacion de los gobiernos.
- En caso Queensland (australia) se libere, Indonesia tirara ley de NE sobre australia, previa liberación peruana de Papua para realizar dicho procedimiento.
- Peru compensará mensualmente a Indonesia por 40k cc.