[MoCH] Introduction and plans for january

Day 2,241, 01:13 Published in Japan Japan by Nobunaga Sensei

Dear ladies and gentlemen, residents of Japan . I wish to say Happy New Year and Merry Christmas ( and the 25 December and the January 7 ) for all ours residents. The holidays are over- it's time to announce the ministry plan of work for this month.I hope that pretty Miss Yagami and I wil cooperate with the aim to bring Japan to you.Our wish is that eJapan citizens take an active role in the creation of cultural events of their country . Therefore,we ask anyone who draws , writes or is engaged in other form of art, and his inspiration is Japan- send us your work we will published that in a future release . Our goal is that eCitizens from other ecountrie learn traditions and customs of eJapana.Sada will publish "to do" list for this month .
1 )At least one article per week will be published on various aspects of the culture and traditions of Japan .
2 ) eJapanese are free to copy and translate any text into their RL language - but only in order to publish it and share it with your friends - the citizens of the other country 's population .
3 ) I hope that we wiil organize in this mandate last week a quiz on # Nippon chat ( do not know if it is technically possible - anyone who knows more about it please send me a PM) . Question will be assembeled from previously written articles MoCH and MoE.Each Japanese can take a part in the quiz , and for the best will be prizes (cash , tanks and food)The best competitor(1 prize) wil be declared with honorary title-Japanese of the January.
I would also like you to write in the comments below what you're interested in the Japanese culture - that MoCH wrote a article which will attract many reader
All the best in game in RL-your MoCH team Yagami Mii and Nobunaga -san