[MDP] Tale of Bravery By Venoms

Day 1,208, 09:59 Published in Canada Canada by Venoms III

Day: 1206 Shannon Ireland 1900 Hours CAF Control Room
Narroted By Venoms III

Philip Delle Palme steped into the control room with Jsboutin at his
side... He broke the silence with the lighting of his oversized cigar

PDP Addresses the CAF on the upcoming mission... Were attacking Ireland!

Then PDP shook his oversized cigar over a dish then pointed it at AngryCanadian my bravehearted CO
and coughed and few times before the words sputtered from his throat... Your going in first boy's.

We left the room that night not knowing what to expect... The plane ride their was rough as usual as the goverment keeps cuting out funding... I got the ducktaped seat once again, but atleast i wasnt
the guy straped to the roof...

As my platoon CAF Rangers Ghost Squardon arived over hostile land first AngryCanadian opened the rear door with much grief as we can't afford to oil the gears every now
and then.... Then we were off bullets flying through the air bombs exploding... Intelligence was off way off...

This wasnt Ireland this was the Battle of Hawaii and we were right in the middle of it... Last time we use a map.

The plan was simple as usual run through enemy line's and hope you don't get stabed in the back by some banazi attacker

It was a h*ll of a fight we lost some and we gained some....
We got back that night in a fanfare we would be geting the best grub that evening!

Later that night we PDP back at the CAF morale channel but he was busy playing #Triva all night long when he finished
he greeted us as usual coming out of the tent doors in his orange coat...

But he was to d*m wasted to talk to us instead we recored our damage on the board and hit the sack for another day
of craziness, but what else are you suppose to expect it's the national army and we deserve better funding that is all!

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