[Liberty CA] Updates, Captaincy and general infomation

Day 1,881, 07:50 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Part of the Liberty movement.

What is Liberty CA all about?
Main Features:

- Fights for Canada, her allies and neutral nations.

- Is not connected to any political party.

- Every member matters and everyone has a voice.

- Is relaxed, yet well organised.

- Rewards members for achieving, with gifts.

Other Features:

- Informs members of allies issuing supplies, so members can get supplies for free.

- Follows direct battle orders from the MoD

- Allows members to work for independent companies (of the military unit).

- Uses the military unit feed as the primary method of communication and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) as secondary. [#Liberty] [#LibertyCA]

- Caters for all levels of player from the experienced, to the newbie, highly active, to the 2-clicker.


There are two types of supplies in Liberty; supplies issued via the internet relay chat (IRC) and supplies issued via the MU area (in game).

IRC supplies (or strike supplies) are issued in relation to how many 'FF' or food fights you have. This is the amount of health you have divided by 10. For example if you have 450 health, you have 45 FF's. For every 6 FF's you have you will receive 1 Q7 weapon. IRC supplies are issued from Liberty's IRC channel (#Liberty) on the Rizon server (http://rizon.net/chat).
[Strikes will occur when Liberty builds up a firm and stable footing with enough active members]

In game supplies are issued on a daily basis, everyone is entitled to the same amount of in game supplies and these can be obtained by posting in topics offering supplies in Liberty's MU area. [10 Q7's, 480 Health]

Bonuses and benefits


In Liberty there are two bonuses; the captaincy bonus, and the ranking up bonus.

The captaincy bonus, each person elected a Captain in the MU elections on the 15th of the month (every month) gets a bonus of 10 Q7 weapons.

The ranking up bonus, each time a player ranks up and posts their new rank in the MU area they will get a bonus of 5 Q7 weapons.


Include; resistance war support, a supply heads up and community support/advice.

Resistance war support, Liberty helps allies of Canada as well as the Canada itself organise resistance wars in occupied regions. Members can organise resistance wars in the MU area, and once a target is agreed on and multiple members support the resistance war the unit will focus on this RW and issue supplies to aid in the success of the RW. This gives our members 5 Gold and a RW Hero medal as well as liberating regions.

Supply heads ups, members are alerted to allied nations issuing supplies for the liberation of their regions. Members can then go to our allies and get free supplies to fight for them.

Community support/advice, is available to everyone in the MU area, where advice is only ever a post away, and regularly members give to new members in need of some extra help.

Captaincy elections

Elections are held on the 15th of the month, every month, to determine who will be the Captain of each regiment in the military unit (MU). Every member of the MU has a say in who will lead their regiment for the next 30 days. Also anyone can run to be the next Captain of their regiment.

There is currently only 1 regiment in Liberty, so there will need to be 1 Captain. When Liberty expands and new regiments emerge, more captaincy roles will become available. I would like to see at least 2 candidates running for a regiment.

If you are interested in captaincy, make it clear in the MU feed.

Captains duties:

1. Set the daily order for their regiment (and change it as they see fit).
2. Look after the boys and girls in your regiment (writing messages to everyone in their regiment and particularly those without avatars, or who haven't fought recently and answering questions).
3. Be active in the MU 'feeds' (the convo box for Liberty located on the 'homepage').

Captaincy hopefuls...

- Candidate yourself as early as possible! The applications will open soon so get candidate.

- Promoting yourself is strongly advisable, announce your intentions to the rest of the MU in the 'feeds', and messaging the rest of your regiment promoting yourself will give you a stronger chance of winning.

Assistance required

As running and MU is a large task, it would be great if anyone was interested in helping us! My 2nd Commander currently has a Q7 factory in which we need workers. (it is a free choice where you work but if you want to help our cause it would be welcomed)
We nee😛
- Quartermasters - (Help dish out supplies)
- Recruitment officers - (I do stress that I do not want to 'steal' members from other MU's, it has to be totally free choice aiming at those who are openly not happy with their current MU or without an MU.)
- Media - The more media the better really.

Thank you for reading. Vote/comment 🙂
- Pat Harper (Liberty CA commander)

Links and references

Please vote for this article at the top of the page before clicking on any of these links.

LibertyCA WIKI
Commanders WIKI
The 2nd Commander
2nd Commanders paper
Liberty CA