[jamesw] How to beat four king croatians & Apply to my four king cabinet

Day 749, 15:24 Published in Germany France by Hell The Great

Hello again, Blighty.

In this article, I would like to outline how I would go about beating gorram croatians, who are, quite frankly, getting all up in our grill. The approach I will take, is one of varying tiers of severity, at different stages of the month. Why is this? In my experience, the only effective way to ensure an effective ATO, is basically one long route. Allow me to paint you a glorious picture:

Party President Elections AKA: Tier 1.

This is, quite frankly, the easiest way that we can ensure our ATO works this month. I am sure that both candidates will agree with me here: to secure our top five is the only way of ensuring we can even hope to offer some form of resistance.

To ensure a safe top 5, ensures that we can filter out, and block, any PTO threats, and have normal, competitive congress elections. How would I do this? Well, firstly, I would ask all parties to hold primaries on their forums, and run only one competitive candidate in the PP race. People who have already candidate'd, and agree to stand down to ensure an easier election for the eventual forum-voted candidate will be reimbursed their gold from the Bank of England.

As long as we have everyone in place by the 11th or 12th, we have ample time to not only mobilise our own citizens, and military, for the ATO effort, but it will also give myself, my VP, and my two MoFAs ample time to get in contact with, as well as co-ordinate, our allies help. As well as this, it will give myself and newly elected Party Presidents ample time to begin the process of ensuring that each party remains in the top 5, until day change on the 24th.

The 23rd of June AKA: Tier 2.

This is another massive day for ATO efforts. Firstly, we must ensure that every top 5 party is under our control. This could require us to move as many active players as possible into a 6th place party, or higher, to cycle out any party which fell to Croatian hands.

Once that is organised, I will then oversee the final preparations to ensure that each and every ballot space is filled. Should it be deemed necessary, by this time we will have 13 regions, to ensure that only 130 people are required to fill our complete congressional roster. (2 Candidates in 5 Parties, across 13 regions). This is the lowest possible size of a congressional roster possibly achievable. To ensure this, we will use a combination of UK citizens, our military, and any allied volunteers (both those who helped secure parties, and new applicants).

At this point, if we have not completed what I have outlined above, it is more than likely that we will have more croatians in congress. This is where most PTO plans will end, however, mine is apparently unending.

Post-Congress AKA: Stage 3.

If we are at this stage, then it becomes clear that we have failed in our ATO efforts. So, how can we discourage, or neuter, PTO threats outside of the times the game allows us to?

I am going to be controversial here, and state that one method we have not examine😛 offensive actions designed to punish. That is why, one of the weapons in my ATO arsenal, is to officially recognise the actions of the Bremen Clubhouse, help them with organisation, funding, and the ultimate goal: a congressional majority in Island.

This will not only undermine the reason for this PTO: revenge for BCH's activities in Island, but also open up another possibility: a greater chance of securing their fruit, constant natural enemy bonus's, and enjoyment for our population.

Of course, this would have to be a long-term goal: something which my successors continue, but I am sure that this month, once the ground-work and initial reactions are over, it will be a much easier policy to continue. If nothing else, should some terrible President decide to actually retreat London, or if god forbid we fail for months on end and are over-run by four king croatians, we will at least have somewhere to retreat to.

This is my cupboard. In it, will sit my cabinet. This month, I am seeking applications for the following positions:

Minister of Home Affairs (2 Positions available)

This month, I am looking for someone who has been heavily involved in the ministry to continue the valiant work, and the procedures and plans already set in motion. The key words are continuity, reliability, and work ethic. Betafoxtrot's need not apply.

Minister of Foreign Affairs (1 Position available)

I am looking for a minister to oversee the ambassador program that has been resurrected since keram overtook the ministry some months ago. Whilst ambassador reports may seem like a small thing, few people realise that many of the contacts, and interaction, we have with Lithuania today are thanks to the fact that they have always had a hard working ambassador, who not only provided a point of contact and information to the executive, but also consistently reached out to our population. Key words are attention to detail, work ethic and of course, reliability.

Minister of Defence (1 Position available)

This is a pretty self-explanatory post. I'm looking for someone who can bring a wealth of experience of our national military system, but who will keep an open mind towards reform of a structural nature. Key words are competence, activity and reliability.

The positions of Minister of Work and Vice President have already been filled, but if you are interested in assisting either with their duties, you can apply to me and I will pass this on to the individuals involved.

All applicants, please send your applications here. You don't need to fill out a generic form: just tell me what you think I need to know.

To conclude, I will utilise the best possible domestic situation to ensure that our ATO is much easier to manage, harness our allies to ensure we make it as easy as possible, and above all else throw everything, anything, everyone and anyone at the Croatians.

Thank you for reading, and as always, please do not hesitate to get in touch with comments, feedback, thoughts, or bawws. Also, if you missed it, you can view my past articles here:

My four king great domestic plan
An outline of each element of my four king great plans.
